#21: Heartbeat

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Jaein was closing up in school as usual when she saw Injoong running to her in tears.

Injoong: MUMMY~~~!!!!!!

Her maternal instincts immediately kicked in and she hugged him tightly to comfort him.

Jaein (rocking her crying child back and forth to soothe him): Injoong-ah, tell Mummy what's wrong? Why are you crying?

Injoong (sobbing): The kids at the playground bullied me...

Jaein (curious as he always got along fine with them): How come?

Injoong (still sobbing): They said I don't have a Daddy... I told them it's not true, cos Mummy told me that Daddy's gone to a faraway place, but he loves Injoong very much and will come back one day.... But they told me that you're lying and he deserted me cos he didn't want me and Mummy anymore... Mummy... That's not true right?

Jaein (pulling Injoong tighter into her arms): Injoong-ah, do you REALLY want to meet your Daddy so much?

Injoong (staring up at Jaein with tears in his marble-like puppy eyes): Yes Mummy... I do... I miss Daddy and I want to see him soon...

Injoong continued crying no matter what Jaein said to console him. It was like he was bent on seeing his dad immediately. Jaein sighed and looked at her precious son who had got her in dilemma. She had tried SO HARD to keep themselves away from Jaejoong for these years. Now is it all going down the drain cos of some kid bullies...

Jaein's thoughts: I don't wanna see Injoong looking so sad... Maybe it's REALLY time I let him meet his dad...

Jaein took out her phone and made a call.

Jaejoong: Moshi moshi, Jaejoong desu.

Jaein: Hi Jaejoong, it's me. Jaein. Are you free at the moment?

Jaejoong: I've just finished my last meeting for the day... Why?

Jaein: Can you come over to my place now? Injoong's crying non-stop and I'm kinda worried about him...

Jaejoong: Ok I'll be there in 30 mins... Don't worry, he'll be fine...

True to his words, Jaejoong arrived within 30 minutes. Jaein carried Injoong over to the sofa where Jaejoong had sat down. Both Injoong and Jaejoong looked at each other then at Jaein. Jaein took a deep breath...

Jaein: Injoong... Uncle Jaejoong...He's... He's....

Injoong (eyes widening in joy): My Daddy?!!

Jaejoong pretended to look shocked. He wanted to hear the truth from Jaein's own mouth.

Jaein (nodding): Yes... He' s your Daddy...

Injoong: DADDY!!!!!

Injoong ran towards Jaejoong and jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly and laughing non-stop. Both Jaejoong and Injoong got their wishes answered, and are happy beyond words.

Jaein's thoughts: There.. I've said it... Now I have to pick up the mess from here...

Quietly, Injoong pulled Jaejoong over to Jaein's side, and placed both their hands together in his.

Injoong: Now I have Mummy AND a handsome Daddy!!!! I'm the happiest boy in the world~~~

Jaein smiled forcefully to make Injoong happy. But in her heart she was feeling super perturbed.

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