#10: Match

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Jaejoong sat in his car, glancing over to the house next door. His eyes fixated on the second level, waiting for one of the rooms' lights to come on. But it didn't. In fact, there wasn't even a single light on in the entire house. Jaejoong got out of his car, locked it and walked back over to his neighbour's house. He walked straight in and reached to open the door, it wasn't even locked. It opened at his very touch. He took a step in and didn't notice Jaein at all.

Jaejoong (cautiously): Ms Jun...

He heard a rustling sound as Jaein struggled to get herself composed and get up from where she was. She was sitting at the corner near the door, crouched over into a ball. One look at her and Jaejoong knew that she was crying again. He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the kitchen.

Jaein (taken aback): Where are you pulling me to??!!!

He brought her to the kitchen and sat her down at one of the stools near the kitchen island. And he opened the fridge to search for what he was looking for. To his delight, he found what he was looking for and grabbed it out.

Jaejoong: Yeogi... You need this now...

He placed a bottle of soju on the table and grabbed two glasses over and started pouring the soju out. He pushed one glass over to Jaein and gulped down the other in one shot. Jaein stared at him in surprise, but she understood what he meant, and followed suit, taking the glass and gulping down the soju in one shot.

The alcohol burnt her throat as it went down, but the discomfort was minor to the pain that she was feeling now. Without a word, Jaejoong poured two more glasses of soju, and gulped his down again. Jaein followed suit. But after finishing a bottle, she stopped Jaejoong from looking for another bottle from the fridge.

Jaein: That's enough for now Jaejoong... I think you should stop now... You're still under-aged... You shouldn't be drinking so much... And you should head back now before the rest get back...

Jaejoong (smirking): I may be underaged... But I hold my alcohol very well... Better than you I'd imagine... If you don't believe me we can have a challenge... I bet that I'll win you hands down...

Jaein (feeling irate by his challenge): Ha... I think NOT.... I'm not as weak as you think!!! You're ON... We'll drink till one of us loses then...

And with the challenge on, Jaejoong grabbed all the remaining soju from the fridge and the two started gulping down soju like there's no tomorrow. Both were showing no signs of relenting until the last bottle was finished.

Jaein (unusually talkative and loud from the alcohol): HA HA HA... SEE.... I TOLD YOU THAT I WON'T LOSE TO YOU!!! I'M STILL SOBER!!! I CAN STILL DRINK SOME MORE...

Jaejoong: I think you're already drunk...

Jaein (protesting): NO... I'M... NOT....

Jaein collapsed onto the kitchen island when she finished her sentence. She was totally knocked out from the alcohol. Jaejoong smirked victoriously.

Jaejoong: Told ya... You're already drunk... I won...

He nudged Jaein a few times, but she was already knocked out. So he got over to help her up to the rooms. He had been to the girls' house before, so he knew where their rooms were and where the guest rooms were. And judging by the rooms, he knew which one Jaein was staying in at the moment, and he helped her into that room. He helped her onto the bed and took off her heels for her. He covered her with the quilt and was about to leave....

Jaein (murmuring): Don't.... please.... don't....

Jaein's face was showing a painful expression and tears were flowing out from her eyes again. Jaejoong sat down on the bed and caressed her face, wiping the tears from her eyes.

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