#2: First Class

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School had finally started. The girls Yining and Yiting were also busy dolling up for their first day of school. Jaein was already up much earlier and had made a sumptous breakfast for her cousins and herself, as breakfast was the most important meal of the day for her.

Yiting: Cous, how come you haven't changed yet? And why are you making breakfast?!!!

Jaein: Erm cos I wanted to? It's okay, I'll just need 15 minutes to get ready... I'm gonna eat breakfast first...

Yining: Aigoo... You can't go to our school without dolling up!!! You must be joking!!!

Jaein: Erm... I don't usually put makeup when I go to school...

Yiting: But now you're a teacher!!! You need to look presentable...

Yining: And you are teaching at OUR school... All the more reason for you to doll up...

Yiting: Yeah... Who knows... You might meet someone cute and if you look like shit, how can you seduce him?

Jaein (amused): Girls, I'm there to teach... And get my degree... NOT seduce cute guys... Moreover... You sure there are cute guys there my age?

Yining: Oh yeah... Our teachers maybe... Then again... I don't think so...

Jaein: Then it solves it doesn't it? I'll just wear something presentable... But I won't be dolling up... For god's sake, I'm there to teach, not to go for a fashion show!!!

Yiting: Well at our school it is...

Yining: Yeah... EVERYDAY is a fashion parade...

Jaein: *sigh* I hope I can fit in and not stick out like a sore thumb there... Sounds scary...

Yiting: It's not really... Well hurry up and eat and go get ready!!! PLEASE put some makeup on for god's sake!!!

Jaein: Okay okay... I know... But I need to leave earlier to the school... So you girls can go there by yourselves later... I'll leave first to take a bus to school...

Yining: Why don't you take the car with us? It's big enough for the three of us...

Jaein: Erm... I think it's better that people don't see us together... I don't want them to think that I am biased to you two if they know our relationship, and if I happen to teach you...

Yiting: Oh... I see...

Jaein: Sorry... And thanks for the offer... Don't worry about me, I'll be fine... I'm used to independent life remember?

Jaein left after getting ready swiftly, and putting on some light make-up to appease her cousins, and left for school.


Jaejoong, Yunho and Junsu were as usual late in waking up and were rushing to go school, and speeding to reach the place in time.


Jaein had just walked into the school and was trying to check her papers in her file to locate the office admin building when Jaejoong's car was driving very fast into the school driveway, and blew all her papers all over the driveway. She struggled frantically to gather her papers, and didn't notice that it was the same car and the same driver who had drenched her the day before.

Jaein's thoughts: Inconsiderate driver... How can they be driving so fast in a school area? So dangerous...

Junsu looked back in the car as he had noticed Jaein's papers flying everywhere. One actually landed into the car.

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