#3: Confrontation

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Jaein managed to barely survive her lesson with a class full of uninterested and unenthusiastic students who dashed out of her class immediately when the bell rang. She packed her things disappointedly as the students all streamed out of the classroom.

Junsu: Ms Jin...

Jaein (raised her head to see who was calling her): Ne...

Junsu (turning to Yunho and Jaejoong): SEE I TOLD YOU!!!! SHE'S THE GIRL FROM YESTERDAY!!!

Yunho (excitedly hitting Jaejoong while staring at Junsu excitedly): YA JUNSU!!! YOU'RE RIGHT!!!

Jaejoong (nonchalantly pushing Yunho's arm away from him): So what if she is? I'm not interested... in ugly looking poor people...

Jaejoong walked off nonchalantly, leaving Yunho and Junsu staring at his back in shock, together with Jaein.

Jaein (shouting and running after Jaejoong): YA!!! YOU!!! STOP!!! STOP RIGHT THERE!!!

Jaein caught up with Jaejoong, and running in front of him to face him.

Jaein: Don't think that just because you are rich, you can go around insulting other people!!! I will NOT tolerate this kind of behaviour amongst my students!!! You apologise to me right now!!!

Jaejoong just stood there looking uninterested at what she was going to say, making her furious beyond control. Yunho and Junsu looked on, unsure of what to do.

Jaein (pulling Jaejoong's arm): YA!!! YOU!!! I'M TALKING TO YOU!! LOOK AT ME!!!!

Yunho and Junsu: Oh... no...

Jaejoong's eyes moved to Jaein's arm on his, and pushed Jaein's arm away from his arm with one strong swipe. Jaein was shocked by his action but she quickly recovered and grabbed him again.

Jaein: I said you apologise to me right NOW!!! I'm not letting you go until you apologise for your insensitive behaviour.

Jaejoong's eyes finally met Jaein's. But she wasn't even glad that he did. Because his eyes were so icy and cold. His stare felt like a death stare piercing through Jaein, and she felt intimidated by him. But she refused to be defeated by a student, so she took a deep breath and stood her ground.

Jaein: Apologise. Now.

Jaejoong leaned in closer to Jaein his cold stare penetrating her, but she refused to move or be intimidated by him. She stared back angrily into his cold eyes.

Jaejoong (coldly): Let. Go. Of. My. Arm. Now.

Jaein (firmly): I'll let go after you apologise.

Yunho and Junsu looked at the two of them, ready to burst into a full war anytime. They were childhood playmates with Jaejoong, and they knew that he was a cleanliness freak. He hated to be touched by others. Especially strangers. So far he had only accepted Yunho and Junsu's body contacts after so many years of being together. And now Jaein was pushing Jaejoong's limits by grabbing his arm, and forcing him, a spoilt brat who pretty much had his own way his whole life, to apologise to her.

Jaejoong (coldly): Let go of me now. Or you're gonna be sorry you ever stepped into this school.


Jaejoong glared at Jaein. His eyes now exuded anger on top of the iciness. Jaein had most definitely succeeded in making him show some emotion. But Yunho and Junsu were not sure if she was doing the right thing. And neither did Jaein. But she did not care anymore. She was too angry with Jaejoong. She was the teacher, and he was the student. He had to show more respect to her than what he was doing now. Yesterday was different, as they both did not know each other. So even if he was a jerk, it was just that. But now. It was different. If she did not make things clear that she was to be respected in class today, he would never show any respect for her at all.

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