#22: Empty...

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Back in Korea...

Jaejoong brought Injoong back with him to Korea, while Jaein stayed behind in Japan. Much to Jaejoong's delight, his parents were mesmerized by Injoong, who reminded them of Jaejoong when he was young. Moreover, Injoong was much more likeable and adorable than young Jaejoong, cos he was very friendly and warm. Plus he knew how to make his grandparents happy. Jaejoong thought his plan to marry Jaein would proceed as smoothly as planned.

Mrs Kim: Jaejoong-ah... You never told us much about Injoong's mum... You said she's busy working in Japan... But when is she coming over to meet us?

Jaejoong: Soon omma... Soon...

Jaejoong brought Jaein home again, but this time with Injoong. He hoped that his parents will agree to their marriage cos of Injoong, whom they loved so much...

But much to his disappointment, their reaction was the same muted one as 6 years ago. The evening ended with them getting Jaejoong to bring Injoong to bed. And once they left, his parents started reprimanding Jaein using really bad words. They claimed that she was a cunning, lowly slut and was so unscrupulous for using Injoong as a golden goose to get into their household. And that they will not allow it to happen. They only want Injoong, if a DNA test proves that he is indeed Jaejoong's son, but not Jaein. They will not accept her as their daughter-in-law.

Jaein was even more shattered than before. As this time they even wanted to take away Injoong, her last and one and only link with Jaejoong. Without him, she had nothing left to remember Jaejoong by. But there was nothing she could do. Injoong needed Jaejoong...


Jaein left the house with a heavy heart. But this was the last and final time that her heart would hurt. Or could hurt rather. Cos she would become completely numb once this was through... She would be nothing but an empty shell...

Jaein wrote a letter to Jaejoong as she sped off in a taxi to the airport...




Forgive me for leaving again...

But as you can see...

We will never work out...

So I beg you please to forget me and move on...

Don't upset your parents or yourself anymore...

For I know your parents will never accept me...

But I know they love Injoong a lot, so I'll leave him in your care...

Do change his name to something that your parents would prefer, lest his current name reminds them of me.

I hope you'll love him as much as now in future, even if you get married and give him a new Mummy, and siblings.

Mian hamnida...




Back in Japan...

Jaein moved house to avoid Jaejoong. But she was aware that the most dangerous place is also the safest, so she stayed in the same block, but a few levels down. Cos she knew that he'll look everywhere but never think of coming back.

Jaejoong was so angry with his parents this time, he never contacted them again after Jaein left. He refused to take any of their calls. And he moved his work base to Japan and stayed in an apartment with Injoong. But he didn't change Injoong's name. He only changed his surname back to Kim, so that his name would be Kim Injoong. And he let Injoong study in the same kindergarten that Jaein taught at.

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