#7: The Party

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For Jaejoong, revenge had to wait. For he did not expect Jaein to be so seriously ill to take a couple of days of medical leave to recuperate. But desperate as he was, and stubborn too, he loitered around the road where he found her unconscious hoping to see her. Everyday. Without fail. But Jaein was no where to be seen. She never appeared.

The third day of Jaein's absence from classes, Jaejoong was so pissed off to see the replacement tutor again instead of Jaein that he left in the middle of the class, citing that he was not feeling well, so the tutor hurriedly sent him on his way home.

With entire day's time in his hands, and nothing to do, and no where to go. Jaejoong went back home and played with his dog Vick, a Great Pyrenees with fur as white as snow, playing catch in the garden. Vick who was very excited for Jaejoong to be home at such an hour and spending so much time with him, he barked excitedly and VERY LOUDLY...


Meanwhile in the other house...

Jaein was still resting in bed and she kept hearing loud barking going on. No doubt there had been barking once in a while, but today it was exceptionally loud and it did not cease at all. The neighbor's dog was getting too excited for god knows what reason.

Jaein got out of bed and pulled a thick brown Abercrombie & Fitch fleece hoodie over herself, and walked downstairs to investigate. She opened the door to locate the sound of the barking, hoping to locate where the house was. She followed the barking and realized that it was coming from the house beside hers. It was Jaejoong's house.

She walked over to the low wall and fence that divided their houses and sneaked a peek. She saw Jaejoong playing catch with the dog, and it was barking happily whenever it came back with the ball, begging Jaejoong to throw it one more time. It even licked Jaejoong's face excitedly, covering his face with drool. But one thing surprised Jaein tremendously about the scenario. It wasn't so much that Jaejoong was actually playing with his dog, and happily and smiling even. But the fact that a cleanliness freak Jaejoong such as Jaejoong HAD a dog, and he didn't seem to mind all the dog drool on his face at all.

Jaein stood there a while to observe the owner and pet at play. They didn't seem to notice her there at all.

Jaein's thoughts: Hmmm... So it's HIS dog that's barking non-stop... It's SO big... But it kinda looks like a gigantic, white version of a golden retriever.... which I absolutely ADORE... So... it is kinda cute....

Just as Jaein's thoughts were roaming over the cute white dog and her favourite golden retrievers, Jaejoong threw the ball another time and this time it flew over the dividing wall and landed into Jaein's compound.

And the excited Vick ran out of the house and ran towards Jaein's house. She panicked a while as she heard Jaejoong calling for Vick to not run out of the house, but it was already too excited to listen to Jaejoong. It ran straight out and to Jaein's house. She saw it barking at the iron gate excited, wagging its tail excitedly at Jaein, begging her to throw the ball back to it.

Jaein's thoughts: Oh god... it looks so cute.... despite being so BIG.... SHIT!!! The ball... I'd better throw it to the dog and let it go back before Jaejoong comes out and sees me.

Without a second to lose, Jaein grabbed the ball and rolled it towards the gate. Vick grabbed it happily and ran back into Jaejoong's house, just as Jaejoong opened the gate to come look for Vick. But since he saw it with the ball, he took it from him and Vick started licking Jaejoong's face excitedly again. Jaein seized the opportunity and ran back into the house undetected.

Jaejoong (talking to Vick): Wow... that was lucky... I thought we'll have to wait till the girls come back before you can get your ball back.

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