#4: The Prank

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The next day Jaein was dreading going back to school as she knew that she would have to face an uninterested class full of students again. And THAT hateful Kim Jaejoong. She got ready swiftly and left for school earlier than her cousins as the day before. Today she was wearing a white shirt with a pair of formal black pants.


The classroom door was closed when Jaein arrived for class, she opened it.

Jaein: Morning...

A pail of ice cold water fell from the top of the door when she opened it, and poured over Jaein's head and body, cutting her morning greeting short. Jaein looked at drenched self and then at the class. The whole class started laughing hysterically, seeing her drenched in water. She turned to rush for the nearest ladies, but she saw Jaejoong walking towards her with a victorious smirk on his face. She knew it was his doing. He had probably made the class gang up against her.

Jaejoong: Well... well... well... not so high and mighty now are we? I told you that I'm gonna make you be sorry you ever stepped into this school... So are you ready to leave now?

Jaejoong stopped in front of Jaein when he finished his sentence. And he realised now when he looked at her up close that her bra was showing slightly underneath her wet white shirt, exposing her bare skin under the thin and wet material.

Jaein looked at him with pure hatred in her eyes. She despised his arrogant rich spoilt brat behaviour. But she was indeed no match for him. She had lost. And is now being humiliated in front of the entire class. And maybe the entire school, if she can't find anything to wear over her wet clothes.

Jaejoong's eyes stayed for some time on Jaein's wet shirt. Realising what Jaejoong was doing, Jaein looked down at herself and realised that her body was half-showing underneath her wet shirt. She covered herself with her books and ran past Jaejoong to the nearest ladies restroom.

Jaejoong's thoughts: Did I go too far? Her shirt... She's all... exposed...

Jaejoong pondered for a while and ran after Jaein. But she was already inside the restroom when he reached it. He stopped and waited outside the door as he knew that he could not go in. Even though it was lesson time, and everyone were in their classrooms, he did not want to risk being caught in the ladies restroom because of her. He shouted into the restroom.



Jaejoong's thoughts: This woman... She's already in deep shit and she's still trying to push her luck... Who's gonna help her if I go back to classroom now? Wait... I thought I'm taking revenge on her... How come I'm helping her now???!!!

Jaejoong pondered for a while and decided to go back to the classroom. He walked off. Jaein did not hear anymore respond from him and decided that he had gone off. She grabbed loads of toilet paper and started dabbing herself angrily. After much dabbing and loads of toilet paper used later, her skin was dry, but her clothes were still wet. She took off her pants and tried to dry it under the hand dryer in the toilet. It became slightly less wet to touch and she wore it back, before taking off her shirt and doing the same.


Jaejoong was walking halfway and his conscience got the better of him. He walked back to the ladies, and ran in shouting...

Jaejoong: YA!!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!!! I'M NOT...

Jaejoong's eyes opened wide when he dashed into the restroom and saw Jaein topless with only her bra on, and trying to dry her shirt under the handdryer. Jaein turned around in surprise and screamed.

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