#18: Meeting the Kims

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For the next few weeks, Jaejoong spent them together with Jaein at her house. He moved his stuff over from the apartment that his company had rented for him and stayed at her house. Jaein was reluctant to give in at first. But it was his way of being closer to her and to make up for lost time. He insisted that they stayed together everyday, so that he can fall asleep with her in his arms, and wake up with her beside him.

She knew that sooner or later he would have to return to Korea, but as he didn't want to be separated from her so soon, he kept postponing it till his lessons had to start again.

While preparing to go to bed one night...

Jaejoong (lying on the bed and looking at Jaein at her dresser): Jaeinnie... there's something I need to tell you...

Jaein (looking at his reflection from her dresser mirror): Hmmm?

Jaejoong (reluctantly): I have to leave this Sunday... My lessons are starting next week...

Jaein (disappointment seeping through a brave front): I see... Study hard... and concentrate in your studies then...

Jaein looked away and carried on applying moisturiser to her face, trying to avoid looking at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong got off the bed and got behind Jaein, hugging her from behind.

Jaejoong: I'll miss you so badly... How can you expect me to be able to concentrate on ANYTHING?

Jaein's thoughts: I know... I won't be able to concentrate too...

Jaejoong: Will you leave with me? Together?

Jaein (shocked by his sudden words): I... But...

Jaejoong (turning Jaein around to face him): I want to introduce you to my parents...

Jaein looked down shyly, cos meeting his parents would make their relationship an official one.

Jaejoong: As my yeoja chingu (girlfriend)... And my future wife...

Jaein (looking up in surprise): Eh? What did you say?

Jaejoong (smiling): I said I want to show my parents their future daughter-in-law...

Jaein's thoughts: Is he for real? And who proposes like this and expect people to agree?

Jaejoong: Wae?

Jaein: You're kidding right?

Jaejoong: What do you mean? Of cos I'm not kidding... Why? You don't want to marry me?

Jaein: We've only been together for less than a month... It's...

Jaejoong: Too fast? I only want to leave my mark and make sure that no one else steals you away while I'm busy trying to finish my studies... Boy I wished that I didn't have to go to school... So we can be married earlier...

Jaein: Silly boy... no one will be interested in someone like me... So you can just concentrate on your studies and don't think about all these minor not important things... Moreover...

Jaejoong: I'm not a boy anymore... And you're wrong about not attracting men... You didn't notice so many flies around you that night at the function??!!! ARGH I wished that I could swat them, and pull you back into my arms....

Jaein: I think it's too fast... we should give ourselves more time before committing into something as sacred as a marriage...

Jaejoong: You still don't trust me, do you?

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