#14: The confession

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Jaein wasn't even able to foresee it coming...

When her head popped out from the water surface, the first thing she knew was her face was being pulled forward...

Right into Jaejoong's...

And he pressed his warm lips hard against her cold ones...

Jaein's eyes widened in surprise and struggled to push Jaejoong away but his grip was very strong on her. After a round of strenuous but futile struggling, Jaejoong finally let go of Jaein.

Jaein (angrily wiping her lips with the back of her hands): ARGHHHHHH!!!! KIM JAEJOONG!!!! MICHEOSEO???!!! (ARE YOU CRAZY???!!!) DON'T YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BETTER THINGS TO DO THAN TO PRANK ON ME AND MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE??!!!!

Jaejoong stared hard into Jaein's eyes, hoping that she would understand why he kissed her, and how he felt. But an irritated Jaein just turned around and swam off. Away from him...

A desperate Jaejoong jumped into the pool and started walking clumsily towards Jaein, as he couldn't swim. Of course his clumsy state didn't bring him far before the pool depth dipped, and he was left struggling in the water.

Jaejoong (frantically): HEEEEEEEELPPPPPP!!!

Jaein heard him struggling in the water, and turned back to see him semi-drowning. She swam back to him and helped him back to the shallow area.

Jaein (frustratedly): Gwenchana? You can't swim?

Jaejoong (coughing and breathing hard, while nodding): Ye...

Jaein (slapping Jaejoong's back to help him gain his breathing cycle back): You ARE REALLY crazy... Fancy jumping into a pool when you can't....

Jaejoong interrupted Jaein by pulling her into his arms and hugging her tightly.

Jaejoong (pleadingly): Kajimal... Please don't go... Don't leave me... I don't wish to part with you...

Jaein was too shocked by his sudden hug and words to push him away.

Jaejoong (seeing no resistance from Jaein, continued his confession): Ms Jun... I think I... I... I've fallen in love... With you... Sarangheyo...

Jaein blinked her eyes repeatedly on hearing Jaejoong. She couldn't grasp how he could possibly be in love with her when he had been picking on her like she was his natural-born nemesis since day one in school. To her it was all like a major prank and joke that he was trying to plant on her. She knew that the moment she said yes to him, his face would change and start saying "GOTCHA!" to her heartlessly like the spoilt brat he is. But somewhere deep inside her heart, she did sense a change in him, especially when her hands were hurt. And he nursed her wounds so attentively...

Sensing no reaction from Jaein, after his explosive and shocking confession, Jaejoong pulled himself away from the hug to take a look at her. Jaein's face was serious and dark with brewing anger, mixed with confusion from his words.

Jaejoong (uncertainly): Ms Jun... I said... Sarangheyo... Will you stay? And not leave?

Jaein: Will you stop fooling around!!! It's not funny at all!!! Leave now... I don't want to see you again... Ever...

Jaein turned to swim back into the pool. Jaejoong ran clumsily after her. He just managed to grab her before the dip in the pool depth, and dragged her down together with him, as he struggled frantically yet again...

Jaejoong's thoughts: If I let her go now, she'll never come back again... I must not let go even if I drown...

Jaein got a shock when Jaejoong pulled her down together with him when he fell. She tried to struggle away from him, but he was struggling to keep his hold on her, as well as to go back up, as he was drowning. Water was going down his throat, and he was panicking, and yet he refused to let Jaein go...

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