#13: It's time....

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It was time...

Exams were over. Marking was done. Time for Jaein to leave the school and return to her old student life for a year before she graduates and becomes an official teacher.

She went in early to pack up her things, as well as to leave thank-you notes to Mr Shim, and the other teachers who had helped her during her internship at the school. The school was so quiet, as neither students nor teachers were around at that hour. It was too early for the rich kids to be in school. They all needed their beauty sleep.

Jaein strolled leisurely to take a last look at the classroom that she had spent most of her time in during her internship. Flashbacks of her first day up till her last lesson there rushed back to her in her mind. There was some reluctance to leave. She would miss the students here, despite them being spoilt brats and all.

She walked into the classroom and strolled around amongst the desks. She paused at Jaejoong's desk, and sat down. Running her fingers across his table, she recalled her numerous explosive encounters with him.

Jaein's thoughts: *sigh* I still don't understand why I feel regret and guilt towards you when you failed? When we're supposed to be like at loggerheads at each other... I don't understand what my mind is thinking anymore... But what I DO know, is that even though we're like natural-born nemeses, I don't think I can EVER forget you... At least not in this life...

She gathered her things and walked out of the classroom. She took one last look at the school's exterior before walking off to take a bus back to her cousins' house. They knew that she was leaving tomorrow, and they wanted to hold a party for her to see her off, but they had school. And Jaein had also asked them not to let anyone else know. Even their namja chingus. So they just had a private dinner with her the evening before, which was a Sunday.

When Jaein reached the house, her cousins had already left for school. She proceeded to pack her stuff and get ready for her departure tomorrow on Tuesday. When she was packing her things, she found Jaejoong's shirt under her bed. The one that she had been wearing with nothing underneath when she woke up in his bed. Then she remembered that she still had his jacket with her. The one that he had threw to her when the class pulled a prank on her and drenched her in water...

Jaein's thoughts: Better to get rid of any traces of him here... Or the girls might get suspicious...

She took the shirt and jacket out and brought them to the laundry room. After she put them into the washing machine to wash, she sat down beside the machine, staring into the soapy water splashing around in the machine.

Jaein's thoughts: I'd better leave these laundered and pressed before returning it to the cleanliness freak... But I don't think I want to see him again... Well... he might not want them back at all though... Heck... I'll just leave them in his mailbox... I don't care if he throws them away or burns them afterwards... I've already done my part...

With that in mind, she washed the clothes, spun dried them, and ironed them before folding them and placing them into a paper bag. She walked out to drop the bag into his mail box. Vick ran up to the gate when he saw her, and barked at her while wagging his tail happily. Jaein squatted down and patted Vick's head through the gate.

Jaein: Mianeyo Vick... I'm leaving tomorrow... I've come to say goodbye... Thanks for taking care of Snowball for me... I'll miss you... Snowball will too...

Vick murmured sadly, as if he knew that Jaein was going to leave, and he was sad to see her leave.

Jaein (sadly): Mianeyo... but I don't think we'll see each other again... mianeyo... it's goodbye... forever...

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