#23: Darkness eyes

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Jaein woke up to the sound of her doorbell. She looked at the time and it wasn't even morning yet. It was 3am. She looked through the eyehole but there was nothing but darkness outside.

Jaein: Dare desu ka? (who is it?)

Jaejoong: Jaein... It's me.

Jaein's eyes opened wide with shock.

Jaein's thoughts: I thought Injoong promised to keep it a secret!!!

Jaejoong pressed the doorbell more urgently, since she didn't open the door.

Jaejoong (pounding a few times on her door): Jaein... Let me in please... I know that you're in there... please... let me in...

Jaein's thoughts: Go away... I don't want to see you... If I see you... I can't keep this up anymore...

Jaejoong (pounding a few more times on her door, but weaker than before): Jaein... please... let... me...

Jaein was trying to will Jaejoong's voice again in her head. And this time, it worked. There was no more doorbell ringing, no more pounding, and no more Jaejoong's voice. She peeped through the eyehole again. Darkness again. There was no sound outside her door.

Jaein's thoughts: Is he really gone? Gave up so easily... Quite unlike him...

Jaein plucked up her courage and opened her door slightly. A hand fell down towards the door crack. She almost screamed in shock, but she covered her mouth with both her hands, and the door came sliding open wide. And in fell an unconscious Jaejoong.

Jaein kneeled down beside Jaejoong and tried to shake him. But he didn't respond. She felt his forehead and it was burning. He was having a fever! Jaein tried to help him up with all her strength and just managed to get him to her bed, before covering him up with her quilt. She scattered hurriedly to get something to cool his temperature down. For the rest of the night, she dashed to and fro the apartment like a mad woman changing a basin of ice water which she used to dab his forehead to cool his temperature down.

Jaejoong opened his heavy lids to an unfamiliar room. He turned his head and found Jaein resting at his bedside. He reached to caress her face. Jaein stirred up her sleep when Jaejoong touched her and woke up. There was a moment of awkwardness when they caught eye contact.

Jaein: You should leave now... Injoong's alone by himself...

Jaein turned to leave. Jaejoong grabbed her hand and hugged her from the back.

Jaejoong: Kahjimal... (don't leave) Injoong needs you... I NEED YOU... Sarangheyo...

Jaein (taking a deep breath and hardening her heart): No... All you just need a suitable woman as your wife... Someone whom your parents will approve of... And Injoong will have a Mummy to take care of him... He doesn't need me... Neither do you...

Jaejoong (angrily): So you're saying that I can just go find any woman that my parents will approve of to be my wife... and Injoong's mum?!!!

Jaein (firmly): Yes.


Jaein (hard-heartedly): I DO care... that's why I'm telling you to do what's BEST for the two of you...

Jaejoong (shattered): So you REALLY don't mind me getting another woman to be Injoong's Mummy?

Jaein (coldly): No.

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