#8: Exposed!!!

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Jaein excused herself and left for the restroom just before the dessert was served. She needed to get away for a while from the awkward ambience in the VIP room, with her students as her cousin's boyfriends, and not to mention a complete mood spoiler being around her get well party. And him being present at her get well party is just a complete irony in it's own, since he was the very reason she got sick in the first place!!!

Jaejoong watched as Jaein excused herself and left the room. The rest were still engrossed in their conversations and pretty much oblivious to her leaving. He slipped away a while later unnoticed too as he was getting bored listening to the two couples chatting non-stop to one another in their own little worlds that excluded everyone else around them. He wanted to corner Jaein and get the sweet revenge that he had been waiting for an entire week to get from her...

Jaein emerged from the restroom and walked back to the room, Jaejoong was standing at the corridor leading to the room, leaning against the wall nonchalantly. She pretended to not notice him and try to walk past him, but he lifted his arm, which blocked her way.

Jaein pushed his arm away and continued to walk on. Jaejoong was a bit shocked by her defiant behavior towards him, as everyone had always been afraid of him, and had given him much respect at school. Jaein's behavior made him feel even MORE determined to get his revenge on her. He wants to make her afraid of him like the rest...

Unconsciously, Jaejoong reached and grabbed Jaein's arm and pulled her back towards him. Jaein stumbled backwards when he pulled her. As she wasn't exactly very used to wearing high heels, so she kinda lost her balance when he pulled her towards him. In fact, she lost her balance and fell towards him. Jaein tried to regain balance herself, but since she did not wish to get any help from Jaejoong, she refused to grab onto him. Slowly, she felt gravity pulling her down towards the floor...

Jaein's thoughts: SHIT!!! I'M GONNA FALL!!!!

Jaein tried to reach for something to grab onto, except Jaejoong, to stop herself from falling but there was nothing around. She felt her legs giving way to a half split...


She stopped falling backwards.

Suddenly, Jaejoong had grabbed her around the waist just before she hit the ground, as he wanted and expected her to grab onto him or beg him for help, when he notice her losing her balance. But inspite of her predicament, she still refused to ask him for him. So he was waiting till the last moment to see if she would ask him, but still she didn't...

Jaein stared at Jaejoong, shocked by his sudden decision to help her. His arm was around her waist, and she was in a half split position, so her body's weight was totally on him. If he decided to let go now, she would fall flat onto her butt, and possibly sprain her ankle. Jaejoong felt a rush of heat up his face, as Jaein's face was just inches from his, and she was staring at him with a wide opened eyes, blinking in shock.

Jaein (quivering voice): Wh....

Yunho (interupting Jaein with his loud voice): WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING??!!!!!!

Both Jaejoong and Jaein looked towards the door where Yunho stood staring at them, and the others' heads popped up around him to see what's happening. Almost immediately, Jaejoong skilfully pulled Jaein up and took his arm away from her waist, and started dusting himself again, as if Jaein had left a lot of dust and dirt on him, and started walking towards Yunho, and away from Jaein.

Jaejoong (nonchalantly): She slipped.

Yunho: So I caught her before she fell?

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