#9: Driving Ms Jun Jaein

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Jaein followed reluctantly behind Jaejoong as he walked to his car. They boarded the elevator in silence, Jaejoong walking in first, and Jaein following in and standing behind him. All the while both did not speak a word to the other.

Jaejoong hopped into his car immediately and didn't even bother to open the door for Jaein. She stood outside pondering whether to hop in or not. Then he unwound his window.

Jaejoong (nonchalantly, not even looking at Jaein): What are you waiting for? Get in.

Then he wound his window back up. Jaein rolled her eyes and sighed. Then she opened the door and got into his car. Jaejoong switched on his hi fi and started the car. He drove quietly throughout the journey. It was up till the route up to their houses that Jaein suddenly...


Jaejoong was shocked by Jaein's outburst, but nevertheless he didn't stop the car, but drove on instead. Suddenly Jaein just reached for the handbrake and tried to pull it up, but Jaejoong caught her hand before she managed to do it.

Jaein: I SAID STOP THE CAR!!!! STOP IT!!!! NOW!!!!

She was fidgetting in her seat a lot, but Jaejoong just pretended to ignore her. Though he was already a bit shocked by her determination to get off the car. Before he could react to what she might do next, she had already got herself out from the seat belt and was reaching to open the door. Jaejoong noticed her grabbing the door from the corner of his eye, and immediately slammed on the brake, jerking Jaein forward in her seat. Once the car stopped, Jaein pushed herself out from the car and started running off.

Jaejoong stared at her running away from his car as if she had seen a ghost. He looked around his car and found nothing abnormal. So he got out and chased after Jaein. He managed to catch up with her, as she was wearing heels, and she didn't manage to go too far before she tripped and fell...

Jaejoong: Gwenchanayo?

Jaein remained silent and turned her head away from him, looking down on the floor instead of at him. Jaejoong was getting impatient with her, as he had never been a very patient guy in the first place. And with Jaein, his nemesis, it was just reduced by half...

Jaejoong (frustratedly): What is wrong with you man???!!!! Why are you ALWAYS making things difficult for me???!!! Can't you at least have an "incident" AFTER I dropped you off???!!!

Jaein remained silent still. So Jaejoong bent down and tried to pull her to face him forcefully.

Jaejoong: WHAT IS....

Jaejoong stopped mid-way in his sentence. He saw the reason why Jaein had been refusing to respond to him, as well as to look at him...

She was crying...

Her big and dewy eyes were now overflowing with unexplainable tears. Her shoulders shivered slightly from the sobbing. When Jaein realised that Jaejoong had seen her tears, she pushed him away and tried to get up and walk away from him.

Jaejoong was stunned a bit by Jaein's tears and her pushing him away. He didn't give chase. But when he realised that she was tried to limp away, he got up hurriedly and grabbed her arm, holding her from walking away from him.

Jaein (struggling desperately to get out of Jaejoong's grip on her): LET GO OF ME!!!!

Jaejoong grabbed both her shoulders and turned her to face him. She was still crying profusely. Then...

He pulled her into his arms...

Jaein's eyes opened wide when Jaejoong first pulled her into his arms. She fought back, trying to push herself away from him. But she felt his hand patting her back soothingly. It was as if he was trying to comfort her. And it calmed her down gradually. Slowly her protests ceased and her fingers was grabbing tightly onto the back of his shirt as her tears flowed down uncontrollably...

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