#24: Stand By U [THE END]

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Jaein stood in front of the mirror staring at her own reflection. It was her wedding day. And she was clad in a beautiful tube bridal dress. She looked beautiful. Never had she thought that it was possible to make herself look this good. Make-up artists and stylists were indeed amazing people to be able to make a simple and plain Jane like her into someone as beautiful as what she saw in the mirror.

She didn't believe it at first. But now she did. Women looked their most beautiful in their wedding gowns. But though she looked beautiful, there was a certain bitter sadness in her eyes. She was never going to see Injoong or Jaejoong again. And the wedding would mark the end of all emotional ties with them. But it's for the best, Jaejoong was also getting married soon. She didn't know what day, cos she never plucked up enough courage to open his invitation card. It was just left on the coffee table in her apartment.

Everything about this wedding went on with business-like arrangements. Her CEO met up with the other party and made all the arrangements. They didn't probe as to why she didn't want to meet her groom before the marriage. But in such arrangements, it didn't matter much. Cos even if there was no love at all, the marriage will still go on. It was like there was no emotions involved at all in this marriage. But it was just what it was. A business arrangement. But nothing mattered to Jaein anymore, she was a broken empty shell, incapable of loving or bearing anymore kids.



After giving birth to Injoong...

Doctor: Ms Jun... There were some complications during your delivery... You've lost a lot of blood, due to the difficult delivery, and your womb has some considerable damage... You might have some problems getting pregnant in future... Artificial insemination might be helpful... But there's no guarantee that the foetus will be able to latch on properly to your womb...

Jaein: I understand...

*End of flashback*


If her infertility was made known, no man would want her for his wife anymore. She was like a broken record that doesn't play anymore. So even if her "husband" finds out about her infertility after the "marriage", it doesn't matter to her. This marriage was just a business deal. They can always get a divorce after the merger settles, and he can get a new wife to bear him kids. Whatever happens in the future, she didn't care anymore.

Yining (happily): Cous... It's time...

Jaein placed her veil over her head and walked out of the waiting room.

The wedding march played while her Uncle (Yiting and Yining's dad) walked her into the church hall. Her parents were gone, so naturally he took over the role to give her away. Yiting and Yining were also there as bridesmaids. Jaein held her head low as she walked in. She didn't want to see her groom until the rites were over. She was afraid that she might pull out in the last minute.

Her Uncle led her to the altar and passed her hand over to the groom. Jaein kept her head low, so she focused her eyes on the groom's shoes instead. He was wearing a cream white suit which matched hers. And his shoes were pointy and cream white patent leather shoes. They seemed stylish, yet formal at the same time.

Jaein's thoughts: He seems like a man with good taste... Wonder why he's agreeing to such a weird arrangement... Let's hope he's not too ugly looking and that we can get along...

Jaein's thoughts were miles away, and she could only vaguely hear the Justice of Peace reading the solemnization lines. She thought she heard Jaejoong's name. But she shrugged it off as her own mind playing tricks on her. She must had been missing him so much that she's imagining things. Her whole mind was practically blank, and she only responded when it was time to say "I do.", to say her vows, and to put the ring on the groom's finger.

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