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"haha, dude, this thing is a piece of garbage." tyler half-heartedly laughed, opening the door and hearing a large creak.

"well, at least i have a car. where's yours, huh?" josh justified himself, a smirk on his face.

tyler was silent for a few seconds before answering, shutting the rusty door. "i... may have totalled it a few days ago."

"that's sick. what did you do?"

"i didn't put it in park and it rolled down a hill. into a lake."

josh laughed, resting his head on the steering wheel.

the sight made tyler smile.

"just consider yourself lucky that you weren't in it." josh said, his shaky hands finding their way to the gear shift before he began to drive.

"nah, i've been considering myself pretty unlucky, actually."

"dude!" josh almost yelled suddenly, hitting tyler on the shoulder. "don't say that! you have a great life, it just has a few rough patches. you'll get through it."

tyler laughed. "whatever you say, josh. and by the way, wow. you sounded so overenthusiastic about that."

"life is precious, man. appreciate it."

"sometimes there's just nothing to appreciate, you know?"

"no, i don't know, because there is always something to appreciate. you woke up in a bed today, right?"

"i woke up on the couch. my mom threw away my bed frame. she wants me gone."

"okay then, you woke up in a house.... a house with... air conditioning, right?

"i guess, but it won't be of much use soon."

"either way, that's something right now. you didn't wake up sweating. your family has enough money to afford an air conditioner. appreciate that."

"again, it won't be of much use soon."

"so? you'll find a place today, i swear we'll search all night if necessary, then you'll have something to appreciate for tomorrow. life always has things to be appreciative of, ty. if you don't realize now, you'll regret it." josh said, just as they pulled into a parking space.

"i... i don't really have a choice in the matter, josh. just forget about it. we're here."

they piled out of the car and found themselves standing in front of a tall, brick building. vines climbed up the walls, and there was a small flowerbed at each window. it looked fairly nice, actually.

tyler smiled. "it's cute. very tumblr aesthetic."

josh pulled a confused face, looking at the boy standing next to him. "tyler, i don't know your last name, just called something 'cute'? and you just used the word aesthetic? who are you?" he laughed, his eyes doing the squinty thing.

"i think i just found something to appreciate." tyler whispered, too quietly for josh to hear.

they walked in, the lobby urban stylized, yet modern at the same time. it was unexpected, places around their town were usually old and run down. honestly, tyler was imagining a small, one room apartment with either a rat or a butcher as his roommate.

"it's joseph, actually."


"my name. tyler joseph."

"oh," josh paused, "then i'm dun."

"done with what?"

"dude," josh paused, smirking. "d-u-n. josh dun."

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