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tyler was confused, who just said that?

he couldn't open his eyes to see who it was, nor did he want to. he felt as if he was asleep, but he didn't quite believe it.

cracking open his eyes, what sat in front of him took his breath away.

vibrant colors of all shapes and sizes filled the infinite room. he felt like he was floating.

he couldn't speak, for he could only stare at the strange world he was in. he knew it wasn't real, but yet, it was laying right in front of him.

before he knew it, he was falling. he was twisting and turning as he fell, but for once, he wasn't scared of landing.

it felt like he was alice falling down the rabbit hole, as new shapes and colors caught his eyes as he fell.


he saw...someone...in front of him as he fell, almost like a movie.

he forced his eyes to open wider,only to come face to face with himself.

"you-you're m-me..." he said, his voice and hands shaking as he stared himself in the face.

"you like josh!" not-tyler mocked.

"do not!" tyler yelled back, almost automatically.

"do too!" not-tyler laughed.

all of a sudden, he hit the bottom. although it was a hard purple surface, like concrete, it didn't hurt.

not-tyler didn't leave, though, he simply escaped from the mirror and stood in front of real tyler, who was still on the ground.

"admit it," he said with a smirk, "you have a crush..."

tyler objected, "no i don't! josh is my friend!"

"then why do you suddenly get nervous when he's in the same room as you? why do you want to spend every day with him?" not-tyler's eyes went red. "why, at the sight of his boyfriend, did you become so upset you almost killed yourself?"


"c'mon, ty... the very sight of mikey... you freaked out. you knew there wasn't a chance of getting together with josh because those two were so happy together. the door closed, and you comprehend it."

real tyler sat, speechless.

not-tyler's eyes morphed into hearts.

"you're in love, tyler. that's why. people do crazy things when they're in love. it's called being moonstruck, and here you are. among the stars."

before tyler's eyes, the hole he had fell down disappeared and was replaced with a purple and blue galaxy, where white stars twinkled here and there, entrancing him.

he was about to respond, but when looking back down, his doppelganger was gone. tyler was alone, floating on an asteroid.

he stood and looked around, searching for someone- anyone who could be there to save him.

then he turned and looked behind him.

sitting there, like a huge symbol of hope was the moon.

he didn't know why, but tyler wasn't able to tear his eyes away from it. he was struck.


a hand was placed on his shoulder, and when turning around, found the same blue haired boy he first saw in the smoothie shop.

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