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"i like the way you work it," tyler sang, a huge smile on his face while he jumped around the apartment.

"no diggity," josh added as he drummed on various objects around the place with his fingertips.

"i got to bag it up," tyler laughed.

"bag it up," josh carried the song, continuing to air-drum.

the space was filled with nothing but fun and laughter between the pair as they danced around, making the song sound fluffy despite the lyrics being what they were.

tyler laughed as josh crept up behind him, jumping on his back.

he was lighter than tyler had expected.

he paused the music and josh looked over at him with an over-exaggerated pout on his face.

"hey, what was that for?"

"i just... i wanted to thank you. for everything you've done for me."

tyler smiled sweetly at his boyfriend, before suddenly remembering something.

he set the boy down before running into the kitchen, grabbing a skinny, badly wrapped box.

smiling sheepishly, tyler handed it over to josh.

"aw, tyler. you didn't have to get me anything." josh smiled.

"i know... but i wanted to."

josh carefully unwrapped the box, and his eyes went wide after finding what was inside.

"i wanted to get you a full drum kit, but you're always moving around apparently, and i'm not exactly 'wealthy'.."

josh's smile was from ear to ear, "dude, i love it!" he exclaimed, taking the new, red drumsticks out of the packaging, "these are sick!"

"your friend, mark hoppus, from the shop, he, um, recommended them."

josh smiled at tyler before tapping on the boy's head with the drumsticks. "thanks man, really, but now i'm entitled to do this. you did it to yourself," he laughed.

"no!" tyler giggled, shielding his head with his hands and rushing to the other side of the couch like a little kid.

josh held back from chasing tyler, breathing heavily while still in his place, smiling at his boyfriend who was genuinely happy for the first time in a while.

"okay, okay." tyler smiled. "let's play another song. any requests?"

"actually, ty guy," josh said, still breathing heavily as he flopped onto the couch, "d'you think we can take a break?"

tyler's smile dropped the tiniest bit as a voice in the back of his head told him that something wasn't right. however, he knew it was just blurry trying to ruin his good time, so he shook his head and ignored it.

"okay. wanna watch a movie or something?"

"nah, we've pretty much fully cleaned out netflix already. what about a game?"

"sure. got anything in mind?"

"20 questions? but like, about us?" josh smiled, leaning his head on tyler's chest, "i want to get to know you, tyler. more than i already do."

"oh, you mean the fuckboy game?" tyler said, laughing and raising an eyebrow.

"no! c'mon, dude!" josh giggled, lifting his head. "i'll go first,"

"20 questions is literally the universal fuckboy game, but whatever you want." tyler chuckled.

"favorite color?" josh asked, a lopsided smile on his face.

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