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"nothing. we're going again. 1..2..3.. charge."

tyler spasmed as a white light flashed in his eyes before everything was black yet again.

"nothing! keep going. 1..2..3.. charge."

another shock went through his chest and he could feel the electricity pumping through his veins.

this time, however, he stayed awake.

"we've got a pulse!" he heard a doctor say.

a few other people sighed with relief.

"okay, mr. doe, stay with us."

tyler did everything in his power to lightly nod his head.

"good. it's going to be hard, but you can do it."

his eyelids felt like they weighed tons, but he knew if shut them, they wouldn't open again.

he heard all of the doctors shouting things to each other; they were probably medical terms because tyler had no idea what they were saying.

next thing tyler knew, they were in a hospital. he could tell because the white lights were shining directly in his eyes. they were annoyingly bright: the opposite of what tyler wanted.

he could've sworn he saw a flash of blue hair to his left, but he blamed it on his brain trying to figure out exactly what was going on around him.

he recognized the horrifyingly evocative white doors, the same doors he saw ryan being pushed through years ago. he held himself together, however, and instead focused on the awful ceiling lights passing above.

he was wheeled through multiple doors into a joined hospital room, though his vision was too blurry to see who the others were. the only thing he could really see was a nurse hooking him to a large machine, and a doctor asking him questions.

"what is your name?" she asked.

tyler only squinted his eyes, attempting to see her better.

"kid, what is your name?"

"t-tyler..." he answered at last, voice broken and cracked.

"tyler- what, sweetie?"


"thank you, okay now we're gonna need you to take a nap, okay?"

tyler nodded slowly.

"alright, nurse smith, could you get the anesthetic and sleeping gas ready, please?"

"w-wait-" tyler croaked, incredibly too out-of-touch to think, but knew what he needed to say. "d-don't-"

"sweetie, we need to put you under," the nurse said quickly, gathering tools around her.

"n-no, please, d-don't c-call them,"

"who's them, tyler?" she asked, turning a knob on a small aluminum tank.

"a-anyone.. p-please, don't tell anyone i'm here.."

"okay, love, now please, just relax."

the doctor put a mask around tyler's nose and mouth, and within minutes, tyler was met with sleep once again.


tyler awoke to the sound of soft sobs. the room wasn't as white and lit as it was before, but rather dark. in fact, he could just make out the night sky between the trees outside the nearby window. he must have been out all day.

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