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jenna smiled, then took off towards the theater.

tyler always has enjoyed movies, how they captivated him and thrown him into another's life. it was nice avoiding problems for an hour or two while engrossed in a fake character's problems, which were always solved by the end. it gave him a tiny bit of hope, in a way.

however, as they reached the cinema, the only movies playing just seemed played out and boring. it didn't stop them though, as they were intent on wasting a few hours glued to their seats, so they bought two tickets for "mark raider: action star 2"

the theater was dim and covered in popcorn. a few lights hung on the walls, showing the people to their seats, but they would be turned off when the movie began. tyler and jenna quietly made their way around, trying to find seats 23b and 24b.

however, it was who was sitting in seat 25b that made tyler stop. he couldn't see too well, but he was able to make out a perfect patch of messy blue hair.

of course.

they sat, tyler in 23 as not to sit near josh. he really didn't feel like apologizing, although he knew he should. just not now, as the previews were playing.

"hi," jenna whispered, but as tyler turned to respond he found she wasn't talking to him.


he turned his head and flung up his hood, for his face not to be seen, while jenna and josh struck up a conversation.

but unfortunately for tyler, jenna sounded as if she fancied him.

"i love your hair, blue, like the sky." she smiled as tyler seemed to be very interested in a new movie poster that was hung on the wall away from them.

he was used to jenna flirting, this wasn't the first time she tried to get a guys number while with ty, but seeing as it was josh this time struck up a strange feeling in his stomach.

"um, thanks." josh responded, his voice sounding cracked and broken again like when tyler called him earlier unexpectedly.

"and your shirt, aliens are so cool! i totally believe in them. do you watch doctor who?"

"yeah, actually. i've seen pretty much everything if it's been on netflix."

"wow, a film geek huh? i like that..."

"haha, but not really. just boredom taking its toll, i guess."

jenna was about to reply, but the lights turned off and the movie began. tyler sat up again, knowing he probably wouldn't be seen if josh was watching the movie.

the movie itself, however, was terrible. it was too played out, and it had been done a thousand times before. just cheesy action shots and girls in all-too-revealing clothes. he wouldn't be surprised if it had gotten a one star rating.

as the movie was terrible, he also couldn't help noticing jenna trying to snake her hand into josh's multiple times. tyler was just relieved because josh eventually shoved his hands into his pockets, which made jenna pout.

the credits began to roll, and tyler was quick to jump out of his seat and leave. jenna wasn't. so tyler just sat in his chair and looked down at his phone, hoping the whole thing would wrap up soon. besides, it looked as if josh wasn't interested anyway.

"so..." jenna said, turning to josh and searching for a hand that wasn't there. "that was awful. i'm jenna."

josh smiled in return. "josh. but look, i really should be going-"

"wait, can i um, maybe have your number?"

josh raised an eyebrow at first, then let out a two toned laugh. "okay, but you should really know i'm gay."

"oh.. oh! i'm so sorry for flirting with you earlier, i-"

"please, it's fine actually. i'm flattered!"

jenna smiled as josh waved goodbye and disappeared from sight.

once they were in the car and driving again, jenna smiled towards tyler, "hey, the guy next to me was cute and gay, should i set you two up, sweet pea?"

"no." tyler said coldly.

"wow okay, mr. attitude."

tyler stuck his tongue out at her.

"wow okay mr. 'im so mature'."

"it doesn't matter if i'm mature, but what does matter is you used the same joke twice. what are you going to be saying next: 'wow okay mr. annoying?"

"wow mr. 'i have great comebacks'"

"they're better than yours, babe."

"sure they are, hun. keep believing that and you'll be fine." jenna smiled, the sarcastic undertone obvious in her voice.

tyler pouted and look out of the window.

"... okay, but why did you reject that guy so fast? you have to admit he was pretty cute."

tyler hesitated for a moment before answering. "not my type."

shrugging, knowing there were a few subjects tyler never really liked talking about, jenna turned and parked the car in front of the tall apartment complex.

tyler was already familiar with jenna's apartment. he had been there a few times before so a tour wasn't necessary.

"hot chocolate, mi amore?" jenna asked sweetly as tyler set his things (which as of now were still his phone and a pack of cigs) on a nearby table.

"thanks, but i think i'm gonna go to bed." tyler answered as he said goodnight and shut the door, finally having time to himself. it wasn't that he didn't like spending time with jenna, or even josh, but he simply enjoyed solitude.

tomorrow he was to get his actual possessions from his house, then find an actual apartment to live in.

as all these thoughts were rushing through his head about plans for the next few months, there was still one that popped up more than any other.


god, he only met him two days ago and yet here he was. laying in bed without being able to get the blueberry boy off his mind.

why didn't he say anything before running away like that? why didn't he say hello when they ran into each other at the movies? josh, the extremely optimistic boy who just wanted everyone to be happy, the one who made tyler smile even when they were out of coconut smoothies, the boy with the blue hair and pale skin. then there was tyler, the depressed kid with heavy eyes and a cigarette hanging from his lips, the one who acts like a big shot just so people would avoid him, the boy who would joke about suicide but never admit they weren't jokes.

sighing, tyler laid his head on his temporary pillow and closed his eyes, thoughts of a happy josh still hanging in his mind as he slipped off into unconsciousness.

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