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tick, tock

tick, tock

tyler usually hated silence, but there was something different about it this time. josh, brendon, and him were sitting in josh's hospital room.

tyler and josh were sitting together on the bed; tyler's head was rested on josh's shoulder and josh was running his fingers through his hair. brendon sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed.

tick, tock

tick, tock

"it's cold in here," tyler complained for the fifth time, trying to find some way to break the silence so they could drown out that stupid, broken clock.

"it's always cold in here," josh replied, "but you get used to it, and the nurses bring you whatever you want."

"one time i asked a nurse if she could bring me a dvd copy of high school musical," brendon cut in, smiling from the memory.

"did she?" tyler asked.

"no, she said she liked camp rock better and i haven't talked to her since."

"but camp rock is a cinematic masterpiece!" josh claimed, smiling.

"of course it is, but it doesn't have zac efron, does it?"

"um, excuse me, joe jonas." (um, excuse me, nick jonas)

"i can't believe you're arguing over old disney channel movies.." tyler cut in, smiling.

"i can't believe you're not," josh replied.

suddenly, interrupting the conversation, the wind blew open a nearby window, making the room even colder.

josh rolled his eyes. "this happens all the time," he explained before getting up and closing it.

even though it's been a few days, and tyler was well checked out of the hospital, he still could hardly comprehend that this was where josh spent most of his time.

he knew all the secrets, the defects, the disadvantages, and the advantages of living in a hospital.

they had convinced the employees to allow tyler to stay even before and after visiting hours as long as they didn't disrupt any patients, but it was mainly thanks to the fact that josh had known the doctor ever since his diagnoses.

"so, um, bren," tyler began, "if this isn't like oddly personal, what are you here for?"

"dude, you make it sound like this place is a prison," josh cut in.

"shut up," tyler laughed.

"it's fine, dude," brendon said, smiling to show it really was okay, "it's anaplastic astrocytoma, grade three. brain stuff."

"oh... i'm sorry, man." tyler said, weakly smiling back.

brendon tugged on the sides of his beanie, "no big deal, i've learned to deal with it. besides, i think josh is more of a pain to live with than the cancer, you should be apologizing about him," he smirked.

josh laughed, playfully shoving brendon as tyler watched the two.

"if i didn't know you guys so well," tyler began, chuckling, "i'd think you were dating."

josh raised an eyebrow at tyler, "what, is our relationship not good enough?" he joked.

"what can i say? i'm a slut for attention."

"well," brendon cut in, "i'm always one for a good love triangle, josh, but you and tyler are my otp so if i were you i'd kiss him quick."

tyler giggled before josh quickly kissed him, and brendon clapped quietly.

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