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tyler's heart suddenly sped up.

the words of the doctor replayed in his head as if they were a broken record, "josh, you're late for weekly chemotherapy. this way."

tyler gripped the sheets, turning his knuckles white for a second before pulling, ripping them off.

"ty? you alright?" patrick asked quietly, taking a sip of whatever was in his mug.

tyler ignored him.

focusing as hard as he could, tyler sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, tensing as his bare feet hit the cold tile floors.

pushing, he lifted himself off the bed, grabbing onto a nearby iv hold for balance.

he ignored the wheelchair, he needed to catch up fast.

with weak legs he took a first step, then another. his knees cracked with every motion.

but he had to find josh.

it couldn't be true.

not josh.

not his josh.

shaking his head, he watched his feet as they brought him to the doors. he slammed them back open and looked down the hall, spotting a head of blue hair about to disappear through a door.

"josh-" tyler called out, his voice hoarse, but it had no effect.

he followed them, still watching his feet to make sure he didn't slip, and called out one more time.


this time, josh heard.

he turned around, but only to find tyler weak and alone in the hallway. the boy's hands were wrapped around an iv pole, his knees were shaking, and, even from a distance, josh could tell he was confused.

hurt and confused.

josh bit his lip, "doc, i'll be back, just give me a few minutes..." he excused himself, half-running over to tyler.

tyler looked up at him. "p-please,"

josh took in a small breath.

"please d-don't tell m-me it's t-true..."

josh didn't say anything. tyler's eyes began to well with tears.

"josh, r-respond, say anything, p-please. tell me you're okay, t-tell me you're healthy and we'll grow old t-together... please, josh..." tyler quivered, moving his hands from the iv pole to josh's shoulders, now fully crying.

josh couldn't even look the other in the face.

"josh, please, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry, josh, just... please, talk to me... not even to me, just- just speak."

josh took a deep breath, putting an arm around to tyler to hold him up.

slowly, josh walked tyler back to the room and set him down on the bed before turning to leave again.

without looking back, tyler could hear josh mutter a quiet, "i'm sorry..." before disappearing.

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