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tyler, despite josh's tear-stained eyes and the doctors telling him what happened, just continued to stare at the white tiled ceiling.

"tyler, you're here because you cut a vein." the doctor informed the two, "you went into something called hypovolemic shock. when experiencing this, you become agitated, confused, weak, and suffer rapid breathing and cold or clammy skin."

the doctor flipped a page on his clipboard.

"however, all of this happened in your bathroom, before passing out due to blood loss. luckily, you were brought here, where we were able to perform a blood transfusion.

a blood transfusion is a safe, common procedure in which blood is given to you through an intravenous line in one of your blood vessels. so, in your case, you should be out of here by tomorrow."

josh nodded, taking tyler's hand and squeezing it, before saying, "thank you."

once the doctor had left, leaving the two alone, josh asked, "ty, are you hungry? jenna's gone to find food, she'll be back in-"

but he was cut off by tyler rolling over to face away from the blue haired boy.

they were silent, josh more confused than anything. "is it me?"

he didn't expect an answer, but a low, tiny voice from under the sheets answered, "w-what...?"

"...was it me who, um, made you do this to yourself?"

tyler didn't know what to say. he still wasn't sure what made him grab the scissors, it just felt like an instinct. so, he stayed quiet.

"mikey, is, um, seeing his parents right now, so he's not here... but your parents are, ty, they're arguing with the doctors about how many drugs they put you on."

this sparked interest in the boy, making him sit upright, "m-my parents?"

josh nodded, "i can get them, if you want.."

"no. i hate them. i don't want to see their faces near yours, it'll ruin you."

realizing what he just said, tyler quickly slammed his head down into the pillow, pulling the blanket up yet again.


a few days later, tyler was sat crossed-armed on his couch while jenna paced in front of him. the floorboards creaked under her footsteps, but she didn't care, she was frustrated.

"tyler, i don't care, you have to go."

"i didn't want to kill myself, jen, it was just-"

"tyler! shut up, you're going babe, whether you like it or not."

"i'm just socially awkward, i needed something to calm down, and i found a way. i didn't want to go that deep. i won't do it again. please don't make me-"

"just look at yourself, okay? i never suggested therapy before because you seemed to be getting better every minute you spent with josh, but now look at you. you're going, even if it's just for a week or two."

tyler groaned, falling back into the couch and sticking his head between two pillows.

the front door opened slowly, and a blue haired boy stuck his head into the room, a worried expression visible on his face as he made his way over.

"hey, ty guy..." he said, trying to lighten the mood.

"hey josh."

"i'm gonna go with you to your therapy- the doctors said it was best. that okay?"

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