Chapter 1

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"And you have previous experience at a school?"

"Yes ma'am, I worked at a pre-school until they began budget cuts."

"I must say I am impressed. When my husband and I were looking for a maid, I never expected to find someone like you. Someone so organized and elegant, I think you'll fit in nicely."

"Thank you, but I'm not a maid, I'm a nanny."

"But I'm sure you could do both, clean and give the children their lessons. It wouldn't be hard and my husband and I would pay you twice as much."

"I'll take the half and be just nanny."

"No offense Ms.Fields, but you'll be whatever I pay you for. If I say dress up like a chicken and peck grass in the yard, you'll do it."

"Well you can keep your money and you know exactly where you can shove it."

I picked up my purse and coat and stormed out of the door. My heels clicked along the paved driveway as I reached my car and retreated to the comforts of the warm seats. This was my third interview in two months and all of them seemed to be coming up successful. Between the racist and just plain creeps, it seemed as if I would never be able to find a job.

I started up the car and backed out of the long drive-way. My phone rang and I groaned before answering it and putting it on my ear.

"Hey babe, how'd it go?"

"Ugh, it went absolutely horrible. I'm really starting to think I should just give up on this whole thing and work at McDonalds."

"Is this Madison Fields I'm talking to? The woman who is stubborn as a horse and never gives up?" I smiled, Camden always had a way of making me feel better even when all I wanted to do was crawl in a ball and cry.

"I guess you're right."

"You can tell me all about your day when you get home. I'll give you a nice massage and run you hot bath to make you feel better."

"You always know exactly what I need."

"They don't call me the world's best boyfriend for nothing."

I laughed before saying I love you and having up the phone. I was fortunate to have found Camden, he was honest, gentle, and genuine. He wasn't just a guy who would say the right stuff to get in my pants, he truly meant every word he said.

The drive home was long and when I finally pulled into the apartment I was grateful. I lugged my briefcase that held everything from recommendations to high school and college transcripts, up the stairs.

"You look like hell." Camden stayed, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug and kissing my forehead.

I clicked off my heels and followed him into the living room where he had two glasses of wine waiting. I sat down on the chair and Camden joined me, placing my feet in his lap and rubbing them softly.

"So, what happened?"

"She wanted me to be a maid and just like everyone else, she thought I was some poor bitch that she could buy."

"Aw, I know my baby's mad when she starts randomly cursing." I laughed as his hands moved up toward my calf and kneaded the muscles.

"I hate rich people."

"You don't hate rich people."

"I do, if they're not being rude to you in interviews, they're building shopping plazas on parks."

Camden laughed, picking up a glass and handing it to me, "I think you really need this right now."

I took a sip, "babe, this is good. You're too good to me."

"When my baby has a rough day, the absolute least I can do is make her feel a little better with wine and dinner."

I kissed him. Running my hands through his thick curls and then looking directly into his light hazel eyes.

"I love you," I whispered, I didn't give him the chance to respond before connecting our lips again. I simply loved the feeling of us being close, of our breathing in sync.

"I love you more Madison. You've had a long day, let's eat dinner and go to bed."

I nodded, giving him another kiss before swirling my fork around in the thin noddles and red sauce. The food was delicious and I gave several moans as the pasta wrapped around my taste buds.

After we finished, we washed the dishes and slept.


"I needed any off day badly. Going to interviews is almost as bad having a job." 

Camden laughed, "you and me both babe. I feel like people have too much time on their hands, some guy came in last night with fragments of his television in his throat."


"Don't even ask."

We continued walking through the scenic park. Watching people jog and play fetch with their animals, it was just the kind of break I needed.

"Do you think we're ready?"

"Ready for what?"

Camden paused, "to settle down. Get married, have kids, live in a decent house. I want all of that, soon if possible."

"Well, I don't see me popping out children right now, but I think marriage and a decent house is definitely achievable."

I smiled at him, leaning in closely and pecking his lips with my own. I wanted nothing more than to spend forever with Camden, my hand in his and his arms forever wrapped around me in comfort.

"So, what else should we do today?"

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