Chapter 12

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William hadn't spoken to since I had tried to sneak out. Sneaking down to Craig's room for drugs had become a regular thing. I didn't want to say I was addicted, but the drugs gave me relief. I could dream about Camden and I together.

"Craig?" I asked, approaching his room cautiously.

"Another fix?"


He nodded for me to come closer. I sat on the chair and closed my eyes. I didn't like to watch all the things that went into getting me so high.

I felt the needles though. I felt it pump the drugs into my blood and the high washed over me.

"Camden?" I questioned staring at a blurry figure of what had to be him. I wanted the high to last long enough for us to have one last kiss.

"I'm sorry Madison."

"For what? You did nothing wrong?"

"I shouldn't have gotten caught so easily. You have to get out though, you have to run."

"Why? This is the only way I can see you?"

"You have to say goodbye to me. Bury my memory and move on. He's trying to get you addicted to the drugs ."

The Camden in my high was never suppose to tell me to move on. I guess if was necessary though if I was ever going to get out of here.

"I love you Camden."

"Madison, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't have died for you."

The high ended and I was hit with the surprisingly dull walls.

"Another fix?"

"No, I don't want any more. I don't want any of that stuff. I want to go home! I'm tried to being here! I want to go back to my family and friends!"

"We are your family."

"I hate all of you. I want to go to the people I love."

Craig leaned in close.

"I will make you love me. I will make you my family. If you aren't my family, you are my enemy. Are you my enemy?"

"I'm property to you, jerk!"

He slapped my hard and jerked my arm back. I tried to fight him but he proved to strong. He tied my arm down and turned around to find something.

I looked away and heard the buzzing of a tattoo gun. It hurt to feel the breaking of my skin. He let my arm go and I looked at the tattoo.

He smiled as I let some tears slip down.

Are you friend of foe

Was inked across my forearm.

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