Chapter 20

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This is the part that I put back up because the other one was not working. Thank you for the support.

"You want breakfast," Zander asked quietly as he stood over my bed. I was shocked because it was early and he seemed to be covered in someone's blood. I nodded drowsily and he took his shirt off before shuffling across the floor and into the kitchen.

I sat up on the bed and rubbed my wrist. They were sore for some reason, I rubbed them to try and cure some of the soreness before standing up and walking up to the table. I sat down as Zander flipped some toast and eggs.

I looked down at my fingers nervously, my stomach growled in anticipation of the food. I wasn't exactly sure where this food came from, but I was too hungry to stay on that fact much. Zander sat a plate in front of me and a plate in front of himself.

He handed me a fork, I took it and began eating. The food running down my throat with the old fashion coffee was the best thing I had had in months. I continued to eat and looked up to see Zander staring at me.

"My transport is coming soon."

"Does that mean we can go home?"

"You can go home, I have to stay."

"Why? You can get help in the city."

His eyebrows furrowed. He stood up cautiously before picking up his plate and throwing it against the wall.

"What do you mean get help?"

"For your condition," I reached out to touch Zander's face but he flinched away and hit the wall.

"She thinks you're crazy Zander. That's what you get for trusting her."

I stated in horror as this scene unfolded in front of me. Zander and Abel going back and forth before he looked at me.

"You lied to me. You're not better than my ma and pa! You lied to me!"

Zander pushed me out of the chair, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me against the floor. I struggled against his hands, but a kick to my side slowed all movement. I stared up at his face as he dragged me against the jungle floor.

"Please! Please! Don't kill me, I'm sorry."

Zander stopped and looked at me.

"I'm not crazy," before I could say anything his hard boot came in contact with my face.

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