Chapter 16

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"This is it Madison."

"I don't want to kill you Amanda."

"Either you kill me, or I kill you."

"It doesn't have to end this way Amanda. Come with me, I can get you help."

"It's to late to help me."

She pulled out again and forced the trigger down.

I jumped up from my sleep and rubbed the sore spots on my back. Sleep filled my eyes and my hair was matted to the side of my face, covered with dirt. I looked a mess, but at least I was still alive.

Barely though. My ankle was sore and I could see some blood where I had scraped my knee. I pulled up the sleeve of my shirt and ran over the tattoo that Craig had made. I closed my eyes and almost started to cry. I was pathetic.

Something about this whole experience made me unstable. Mentally, physically, emotionally. I wanted to go home and that was my main goal right now. Forget Amanda, if she got in my way, she would die just like her brothers and father.

I continued on my walk with the gun clinched in my hand. I wasn't scared of some seven year old, I was scared of her mind. I was scared of the dark thoughts circulating her brain. There was no way Amanda could take me back if she found me, but a little doubt rested somewhere in me.

As I moved away from my campsite I could smell something. I figured it was either Daniel or William's rotting body, but the smell got more potent as I got closer and I killed them miles back.

I followed the smell until I couldn't stomach it anymore and I vomited in some bushes. It smelled like rotting and decaying bodies. It was the most horrible smell known to man and it was making me physically sick.

I continued walking and I saw it. I wanted to cry, to scream, to do anything, because what I saw let me know I wasn't alone on this island.

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