Chapter 6

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My nerves hadn't settled since yesterday and I had thrown up this morning. William came in briefly and asked how I felt before leaving me to clean my own mess. The clingy uniform and collar didn't make it better. I felt like I was suffocating in my own skin. I walked carefully downstairs dragging my chain with me.

It seemed to get heavier until I finally dropped it on the floor. I dragged it towards the kitchen and saw Amanda covered in chocolate sauce.


She turned to me and licked her fingers innocently.

"What are you doing?"

She shrugged, "I want hungry."

"Chocolate sauce for breakfast isn't good baby girl." I picked her up and sat her on the counter. I got a rag and wiped her fingers and face.

"Let me cook you some breakfast." I started cooking and Amanda watched with that small baby smile planted across her face. I made her some pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

She ate as if it had been months since the last time she ate. I laughed.


She nodded.

"I fed you yesterday."

"I didn't eat that."

"Why not?"

She ignored me and remained silent while finishing her breakfast. When she was done, I picked her up and carried her upstairs. I woke Daniel and put them both in the tub.

William walked in.

"How are they?"

"Fine.... master."

"That's good, I told you'd like her." he gestured towards Amanda. She gave a forced smile.

"When's mommy coming back?" Amanda begged. Oh gosh, he hadn't told them.

"Let's go see her." He said with a smile.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I interrupted, refusing to have this child's mind destroyed.

"I think mommy looks pretty." Daniel chimed pretending to kill one of his wrestling men with another man.

"Please, she has to do her homework. She was suppose to spell her name yesterday and write it twice." I lied through my teeth, but it was true.

Daniel could only write one word, death. Amanda could write none and so I decided to become their in-home teacher since I use to teach.

"I guess that'll be fine, some other time sweety." William kissed their foreheads and exited. He looked amazing this morning in his suit. Stop that! This man was a killer and you thought he was sexy? I tried to control my thoughts and steadily failed. He was sexy.

I turned my attention back to Daniel who was pushing his sisters head under the bath water. I dragged him out of the water.

"Stop!" I yelled. He kicked my stomach and I dropped him. He scurried off and I helped Amanda out of the tube. I put her down for her nap and went to find Daniel.

"Daniel! Get up here right now!"

He stormed up the stairs, naked and covered in blood again.

"What happened?"

"You won't be able to do anything when my brother comes home. He'll kill you."

"You need a bath."

He ran past me and upstairs. I started to chase him, but had to drag the chain. I finally got upstairs and saw his room door was closed.

"Daniel!" I yelled beating on the locked door. He could kill his sister or worse. He opened the door innocently and I checked the room. Amanda was still sleeping and I checked her pulse just to be sure.

"Can you give me a bath?" He asked sweetly. I took his hand and led him to the bathroom all the while contemplating what he had done.

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