Chapter 14

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"The rules are simple. When I release you, you are officially hunting game. If I capture you, you will come back here and you will die."

I nodded and my hands itched for him to cut the ropes. I had no idea where I was and I had no idea where I was going to go.

William held up a knife, I swallowed, and the restraints dropped.

I couldn't even feel my legs, I was just running. My breath was coming fast and I could hear gun shots behind me. I ran like my life depended on, which it did.

I realized I would be easy to catch if I kept running straight, Camden taught me that when we had gone camping once.

I ran in a zig zagged line and moved forward and back to confuse anyone looking me by following my footsteps.

"Come out Madison!" Daniel yelled.

My legs were getting tired and I could barely breath anymore. I had to push myself to keep running, but just like almost everyone, I tripped over a branch and fell.

I could hear footsteps in the distance so I pushed myself back up to my feet. I knew I couldn't run for much longer or I'd pass out and that wouldn't be a good thing.

"Madison! I just want to play!"

"Go to hell!" I yelled back at Daniel. He was the demons spawn and had probably already been to hell. I knew yelling back wasn't the right thing to do because now they could probably find me, but I was frustrated.

"Madison! You have to protect me from them!" Amanda yelled. The one person I thought was normal had betrayed me and now I was running for my life. At least Craig wasn't alive.

I realized I couldn't run forever and stopped. I gathered my breath and sat down at the base of a tree. I was secretly glad I watched all those survival shows Camden said was pointless.

I decided to build a trap that could easily snap an ankle or two. All I needed was some wood and something to tie it together.

I didn't have my knife so gathering wood was hard, but not impossible. I gathered the wood and took some vine from a nearby tree. Thank God William brought me up here to a jungle.

I tied it together and sat it in the bushes. I used a stone to sharpen a piece of wood and climbed up a tree. Whoever stepped on that trap would be writing their death sentence.

"Madison! Where are you!" Daniel was calling out in the almost dark. "It's getting dark Madison! Come on out!"

I could hear him coming close and knew that the next thing I would hear was a yelp. I knew it and yet when I heard Daniel's ankle snap something hurt my heart. I climbed down from the tree and looked him in his eyes.

"It doesn't feel good to be on the other side does it?" I whispered. He tried moving around, but his ankle was a goner.

"Let me go, I'm only seven."

"You're wrong. You're a demon child and I take victory in killing you."

"Killing me won't bring back Camden. You want to know how he died? Just like you. He was in this very jungle and you never saw him."

"He was here?"

"He was here. Banging on your window every night to let him in."

"He was here? I could have saved him?"

"Of course, but you didn't."

"Who killed him? You? Craig? William?"

"He was my kill."

My emotions overtook me and before I knew what happened I had the spear in his stomach.

He laughed.

"Death is easy. Living his hard."

I loosed the trap from around his ankle and ran. I had to find somewhere to sleep for the night and the trees were looking pretty good.


I turned to look at his dying body.

"You were a worthy foe."

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