Chapter 10

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"It's going to be okay." I coached Amanda back to sleep after a terrifying nightmare. She woke up in the middle of the night and I cuddled her until her eyes were almost closed. "Go to sleep baby girl, it's going to be okay."

I rocked her some more and then heard the soft purrs of her sleeping. I continued to rock her, not wanting to let this precious child go. Not wanting her to become like her bothers and father and definitely not wanting her to end up like her mother.

I kissed her forehead and laid her down beside me.

"You can't protect her forever." Daniel's voice seemed to echo against the dark room.

"Protect her from what? Her own family?"

"She's a weak link, she'll die eventually and what about when she grows up? You can't protect her then."

"I pray that she can leave before then."

"Are you planning on leaving?"

"And going where? There's nowhere to go anymore. There's no hope."

"Yes there is, c'mon." Daniel grabbed my hand and led me out of the room. I was scared for Amanda but figured no one would touch her. Daniel led me downstairs and into his brother's room.

I knew this room because only a few hours ago I had received a brutal lesson I would never forget.

"What so you want Daniel?"

"Give her some of they stuff to make her feel better."

Craig smiled, "the stuff? You think she's ready for that?"

"Yep, she seemed pretty desperate."

"Leave and close the door." Craig commanded and Daniel disappeared quickly. Craig nodded towards a seat and I sat down immediately.

He rolled his chair over and placed a tight band around my forearm.

"Ouch." I winced in pain as he tied it so tight I was beginning to loose feeling in my arm.

He retuned to his counter and brought back a needle and two small containers.

"No please, I don't want any."

"It'll make you feel better."

"I don't want any please, I don't do drugs. Please."

He ignored my comments and grabbed my arm.

"Please! Please!" I yelled and begged all at once.

He took the needles and stuck it into my vein.

The world seemed to float for a minute and my head started blacking out.

"Let it do it's work." Craig whispered and I had a flashback.

Me and Camden in our first month together. He was holding my waist and giving me kisses, I just laughed.

I smiled. This was perfect. It was what I needed.

The flashback eventually faded and I woke up to a painfully dark room. I tuned to Craig with a defeated look.

"More please."

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