Chapter 18

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I continued to cry until I heard footsteps and I immediately jumped to attention with my gun raised. It was shaking in my hands and hit the ground with a thud. I tried to regain the weapon, but I fell forward and hit the ground with another thud. Two hunting boots appeared before my burning eyes and my breathing became forced and sucked up some tears.

"Kill me now, 'cause only one of us is walking out of here and if it's not you, it's me."

I heard the noise a gun makes as it reloads and I felt my soul sank. Not another one, not another William. I sucked up a deep breath and reached for the gun in front of me.

"Touch that gun and I will shoot you dead."

"It's better than being alive." I placed my hands against my side and looked up at the man. He was casually dressed in jeans and a plaid top. His hair was scruffy and he looked unclean. Even though I probably looked worse, it made my skin crawl.

"Now, I want you to hear me clear, I am not a murderer. But, I have a gun and I know how to use it, so don't test me. My name is Zander, what's yours."

"Madison." I forced out, my throat feeling incredibly dry and tight. I was thirsty, hungry, and exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open, but I refused to close them in front of a complete stranger.

"Alright, Madison, what are you doing in these woods?"

"I was kidnapped, by William," I took a deep breath and coughed, "he kidnapped and tried to kill me. The gun was to protect myself, please, I'm exhausted and I'll die if I don't get water and food."

"Alright, listen to me, I'm going to put the gun away. I chop wood okay, I'm here chopping wood for a project. I'm not going to hurt you. Can you walk?"

I nodded my head even though I doubted that. He seemed to sense that and picked me up gently. My eyelids got heavy and I saw everything. Camden, my grandmother, other friends and family that went on ahead of me. Friends and family that had passed away, there, waiting for me. I know Camden told me to fight, but what happens when you can't fight anymore? I closed my eyes and silently prayed I'd wake up next to Camden in heaven.


"Wake up."

I blinked a few times and instead of being met with my Camden, I was Zander. He pushed a cup of water against my lips and I sipped it silently.

"You want some bread?"

I nodded and he broke off a piece of bread to give to me. I looked around my surroundings and saw nothing but wood. A wood building, wood furniture, and a wood cooler. I was laying on what I assumed to be a bed and my head was throbbing.

"Can you take me back? Can you take me back home?"

"I have to wait for my transport to come and then we can go back." He seemed nervous, but I nodded my head and laid back on the pillow. I closed my eyes and smiled as I thought about finally going home and finally being free.

I opened my eyes for a moment and looked at Zander.

"Who did that to their bodies?"


"Who's him?"

Zander bit his bottom lip and looked as if he was about to cry, "the monster that comes out of me sometimes."

Author's Note

Another William? Not exactly and you'll see why as the story continues. No, he is not a werewolf and that monster isn't some beast. He has multiple personalities that come out sometime. Is Madison ever going to get back home? Can Zander be changed? Are they going to fall in love? Some many unanswered questions that will be answered in the next few chapters. Also, I was reading over some comments and you guys are killing me, I laugh so hard. Vote, comment, and follow thank you.

P.S I added tags so people don't confuse this book for a romance story.

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