Chapter 9

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I didn't know what to feel. Camden was dead and our happily ever after was ruined. I would never be happy with this sick maniac and his crazy kids.

"I'm hungry." Amanda said walking into the kitchen.

"There's cereal in the pantry."

"I don't want cereal."

"There is nothing else to eat, if you don't want cereal then starve." I snapped. Amanda looked me over before crawling in my lap and hugging my neck.

"What's wrong?"

"It's more than you can understand."

Amanda put on a childish pout and then smiled. "Try me."

I smiled.

"Let's get you some breakfast."

Daniel came running downstairs.

"I'm hungry too."

I held in the part of me that so desperately wanted to kill him and cracked another egg for him. I fixed the plates and sat them in front of the children.

"Enjoy." I said flatly.

I walked over to the window and stared blankly out. I felt ruined, empty inside. I wasn't exactly sure what to feel. It was a mixture of sadness and anger.

I heard the click of Amanda's plate as if hit the sink and it clicked me out of my thoughts. I smiled down at her until I saw her demon brother.

"Can you play with me?" Amanda asked.

"She doesn't like our games Amanda. She likes to play with daddy." I held my fist at my side, never had I wanted to kill a little child so bad. Was I a bad person?

"Is that true? You like to play with daddy?"

"No, go upstairs and I'll come to play with you."

Amanda ran upstairs and Daniel remained there.

"His head is rotting, so his body. Daddy says he'll be bone soon."

I wouldn't let him get to me.

"You wouldn't like to see him then would you? All bones and blood, his body in one corner and his head in the other."

No. No. No. He was a demon, the devil himself. I hated this child.

"Go away." I said slowly.

"And what will you do if he doesn't?" I turned around and saw Craig standing there.

"What do you want?"

"Don't talk to me like that!"

"I'll talk to you however I want to talk to you!"

He grabbed my neck and held me against the wall.

"I won't tell my dad about this, if you promise me something in return." He eyed my short maid outfit.

"Go Daniel!" I yelled. He smiled and ran out of the room. I felt Craig run his hands up my thighs and I nearly barfed.

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