Chapter 5

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"Perfect." He said applying the last hook on my dog collar. It had my name on it and big brown letters and was red. Tear ran down my face as I dragged the chain up the stairs and to the kid's room. The little boy was Daniel and the girl was Amanda. They were twins and were each six. I enjoyed working with them, even if I was living in this house.

The windows were shacked and the doors were locked after Mr..... Master went to bed. He requested I called him master and sir to show that I respected no one but him. My job was simple. Clean, cook, and stay out of his way. I hoped that was all he asked from me as he had me wear a short maid outfit that barely covered my bottom.

I walked into the kid's rooms and only Amanda was there playing with her doll.

"Hi sweetheart, where's your brother?"

"Daniel? Out." She responded and I approached her slowly. I watched her play with the doll and noticed it was disfigured.

"What happened to her?"

"Daniel got mad, he gets mad a lot like daddy. Mommy never gets mad though." She smiled and I looked confused. Why did he need me to look after the kids? Where was their mother?

"Where is your mom?"

"Upstairs, I'm not allowed up there, but Daniel an take you, if....."

"If what?"

"If he's okay." She went back to playing with her doll and ignored me. I dragged the chain connected to my collar downstairs and saw no Daniel or William. I heard a noise coming from the basement and a walked down the stairs slowly.

I rounded the corner and saw Daniel covered in blood. To his left a knife stuck out of some kind if animals chest.

"Daniel? What are you doing down here?"

"Leave me alone!"

"C'mon Daniel, let's get from down here. C'mon." I offered my hand and he hesitated before placing his bloodied hand in mine. I looked back at the animal and turned my head quickly to prevent any sickness.Just the smell down here could make you sick. I covered my face and walked Daniel to the bath.

I washed over his face and down his back. I desperately tried to scrub the blood off.

"What was down there Daniel?"

He remained silent.

"Daniel you have to talk to me. Does your daddy know?"

He nodded slowly.

"Daniel, was that animal dead?"

He nodded again with a smile.

"Did you kill him?"

He shook his head, upset again.

"Who did?"

"Daddy." Was his only response.

I finished bathing him and put him and Amanda down for their nap. I walked downstairs and William was waiting.


"Madison, Amanda told me about what happened earlier?"

"What do you mean?"

"You asked about their mother."

"I did master."

"Would you like to meet her?"

"Yes please master."

He took my chain and dragged me upstairs behind him. He went into an attic that smelled of rotting.

"There she is. Beautiful." He pointed to a bag and it took me several minutes to realize he was talking about the decaying body he had in the bag.

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