Chapter 17

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The whole family laid there. Each of their bodies chopped into pieces and laid by each other. The sight was sickening and I couldn't look at it for long. William and his children were evil people but did they deserve this? No. No one deserted to be slaughtered the way they had.

I wanted to know who did this. I wanted to know if they were on my side or just some crazy person who wants everyone dead. I walked past the bodies and looked for any sign of life. The place looked as if it hadn't been touched.

"Who are you?" I whispered to myself. I was trembling because this man had to be sicker than William and that scared me.

I had to get out of here. It was dark now, but in a few hours the sun would be up again. I was exhausted both mentally and physically and I couldn't run anymore. I couldn't hide. I couldn't do anything but lay on the ground and cry.

I didn't want to cry because I had more important things to worry about, but I couldn't help it. Just a few months ago my life had been normal. Nothing crazy like this ever happened and I was happy and carefree and now I was fighting for my life.

I dried the tears in my eyes and propped myself up on my elbows. I closed my eyes and thought of Camden. He wouldn't want me to give up like this. He wanted me to fight until I was home, home alone.

Home seemed so far away that I doubted there was a home anymore. I was beginning to doubt life beyond this island or whatever it was and I was beginning to lose fate.

Staying strong was important, but I hadn't eaten in days and the only people who knew how to get off the Island were dead.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried again.

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