Chapter 11

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I was up before light had even bothered to pour through the closed and shackled windows. I crept downstairs and into the kitchen nearly silently. The chain I had around my neck and feet made little noise as well as the old stairs.

I moved like a shadow into the kitchen and entered the knife drawer. I pulled out a sharpened cleaver and eased it carefully up my maid outfit. I could feel the knife graze and cut my skin.

"What are you doing?" Came William's booming voice. I jumped and the cut deepened.

"Making breakfast." I lied quickly.

"This early?"

"Sometimes the kids can't sleep and I like to have food ready for them." My voice was shaky but sure.

"Are they sleeping now?"

"I suppose so, I haven't heard them."

"Back to bed then. I'll wake you up when it's time."

I tried to move past him, but he stopped me.

"Put the knife back." He whispered and I thought about stabbing him and running.

I pulled the blade out of the uniform and held it at his throat.

"Kill me." He whispered. "Make this torture end, go back to what you had."

"I don't have that any more. You killed Camden, you tortured me. I don't have anything anymore." Tears fell down my cheeks.

"Then what are you running to?"

"Anywhere but here. I wanna go home, I wanna be free."

"Okay, I'm sure Amanda won't mind not having a protector anymore."

"Don't say that. You wouldn't hurt her. "

"I wouldn't but Daniel is not going to be a little kid for long and he's grown me in sickness. He's twisted and he'll hurt her."

"He can't. She's so sweet. Innocent. She doesn't deserve that."

"Put the knife down."


He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back. I hit the ground hard and the knife flew out of my hand.

"I tried to be nice."

I screamed and he brought the knife down hard against my leg.

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