Chapter 15

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I couldn't sleep. I was shaking with my weapon in hand all night. William and Amanda were still out there and that meant that at any time I could possibly die. I knew that I couldn't keep running for long so I just walked along the deserted woods path. I was so close to freedom and yet so far. I couldn't kill Amanda. Besides betraying me she was a completely innocent seven year old corrupted by her environment. Couldn't I say the same thing about Daniel?

I heard something moving in the bushes and I put my only defense up. A small, hand-made knife.

"Don't be a coward." Tears ran down my face and I wasn't exactly sure why. "Show yourself. Show your face."

William appeared from out of the bush. He stood up so I could see his full six or so feet.

"Kill me."

"I want you to suffer. Like I suffered, like you're son is suffering."

"My son? Both my kids are dead now, because of you?"

"You killed my soul. You fractured my spirit, my will to live, I don't give two damns about your sons."

"Where's Amanda?"

"After I kill you, she's next."

"How did you kill him?"

"Just like I killed you. It almost makes me smile, Camden didn't die in vain. He didn't die in these woods for nothing. I now I get to end the man who end it for me."

"What are you getting from revenge?"

"Don't try that on me. I refuse to let you walk away from this alive."

"Then I'll be obliged to do the same." He pulled out the revolver from his side and held it in front on him.

"I didn't want it to end like this. I wanted more, I thought I'd maybe even keep you."

"If I die, lay me next to Camden."

"Can I make a request as well?"


"When I die, take me to my sons."

He dropped the gun, but I was to stunned to do anything. I just stood there shaking and I almost dropped my only weapon.

William fell to his knees and it was like watching a king fall.

"Kill me please, I don't know where I went wrong. I was a normal child believe it or not. I liked to kill animals and stuff for fun, but that was boy behavior right? I stepped up, I started getting knives from my house and stabbing my sister as she slept. They weren't enough to kill her, barely even made it past her skin, but I like the feel and the smell of blood. I killed everyone. I destroyed my children, my wife. My wife loved me, she knew what I was and she still loved me."

"Why? Why tell me this?"

He picked up his gun from the ground and held it against his head.

"So you can know why I can't let you kill me. I've done to much, I've been through to many things, I can't die like this. Camden loved you. That was the only reason we took him, because he wasn't willing to give you up."

I was in to much shock to say anything. I was forcing myself to breath and just stand. I was wake, hungry, tired, I couldn't do this for much longer.

"Do you think I'll see my wife?"

"Where you're going, you'll be looking satan's toes all day."

He laughed, "better than nothing I guess."

The bullet made contact with his head and I jumped. I dropped my weapon and I fell. I rolled myself into a ball and cried. Crying was a sign of weakness, but I was weak. I wanted to sit there and cry and slowly die, but something urged me own. Maybe it was the fact that there was another little demon running around somewhere or maybe the fact that I could see light and light meant a way out of here.

I grabbed the revolver and my small knife and I started on my walk again. I couldn't help but think about Amanda and I's inevitable meeting and that scared me.

I didn't want to kill her, but frankly, I had no choice.

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