Chapter 7

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Hi umm this chapter has some content relating to molestation it's not written graphically and the act is never shown. If this kind of content makes you uncomfortable please feel free to skip this chapter. Thank you


It was barely morning and already somebody was knocking on the door. I didn't hesitate though, I hadn't had any company since coming here. I opened the door at there stood a young man who looked oddly similar to William. I wasn't looking at him though, I was looking outside for an escape. We seemed to be over some body of water and I could see nothing else by trees.

"Hello, are you here for Master Williams."

"I am, tell my father I'm here."

Daniel wasn't lying about having a brother. I moved and let him into the house. He pushed his way through I mumbled a word. He looked back at me for a second before cursing under his breath and walking away.

"Master! Master!" I called. William came downstairs and walked past me without saying a word.

"Son!" He yelled. They hugged and William patted his son's back. "How have you been?"

"Good dad, been hunting."

"Hunting? What type of animals?"

"Humans mostly, set them free in the woods and watch them try and scurry to safety. I see you've gone hunting too." I could feel his eyes on my exposed thigh and nearly exposed bottom.

"Her? Yeah, she's good."



I heard the click of his son's heels as he made his way across the wooden floors. He squeezed my thighs softly roughly and bit my shoulder.

"Tonight. My room." He moaned as he rubbed himself against back.

He released me and I rushed upstairs to take care of the twins. Amanda was up and playing and Daniel was nowhere to be found again. I saw that her dolls were all missing their heads and had permanent market on their bodies.

"Did Daniel do that?"

She nodded her head. She was the only normal one around here.

"Does he ever hurt you Amanda?"

She looked back at me, "when we were four he use to make me take off my clothes and stand in the shower while he hit me with daddy's belt."

"He ever hurt you now?"

"No, he just likes to play."

"Play what?"

"Play what my big brother plays with me sometimes. Doctor."

"Doctor? How do you play?"

"I, the patient, have to take off all my clothes and let the doctor inspect me. The doctor is usually Daniel or Craig."

"Where do they usually inspect?"

She pointed to the area at the end of her dress. Just as I thought. They were molesting this little girl. She looked so innocent and I didn't see how anyone could look into those eyes and do things like that.

I jumped when I heard a noise coming from the stairs. I picked up the chain to see what had happened and came face to face with William.

"Daniel will be back soon."

"Where is he going?"

"Away, just for a little while, I'll be away too. My son will be your new master."

His son gave a smirk from downstairs and I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach. If he did that to his little sister I could only imagine what he would do to me.


Hi umm this chapter has some content relating to molestation it's not written graphically and the act is never shown. If this kind of content makes you uncomfortable please feel free to skip this chapter. Thank you


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