Chapter 2

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I rubbed the sleep out of my mine as my eyes adjusted through the light streaming through my bedroom window. As soon as I sat up, I smelt the sweet smell of breakfast cooking. I placed the soles of my feet on the cold floor and continued to the kitchen where Camden was stirring eggs while keeping any eye on frying bacon.


"Good morning, what's all this?"

"Just a little good luck breakfast."

I grabbed two cups, filled them with orange juice, and sat them on the table. Camden came with breakfast and I kissed him before taking a bite of the food.

"I honestly don't know what I'd do without you."

"I know right," Camden responded with a wink. I took another bite of food before checking my clock and standing up.

"Gotta run, hopefully I'll be home and I can make dinner tonight."

"Sounds like a plan, I'll pick up some wine on my way home from work. You need anything else?"

"Chicken or turkey, I'll let you choose."

I gave Camden a kiss before walking out of the house and climbing into my car. The ride to the Mayfield residence took a while and was on the nicer side of town. There was a private school nearby and several other upscale restaurants and activity areas.

The Mayfield house was large and sat on a few acres of land. It was red brick all around with a country theme to it. A man dressed in a suit was climbing in his car and leaving as I walked up. I parked in front of the house and walked quickly, pressing the doorbell button and waiting.

An older lady answered the door, her skin was pale and sagging greatly. Her eyes were beady and dark and her body was plump. A mess of white hair sat on the top of her head and she smiled like cookies.

"Hello, my name is Madison Fields and I'm looking for the Mayfield family. I have a nanny interview."

"Nanny? Mrs. Mayfield hasn't said anything about a nanny and I've been working here for years. Don't know why she'd need a new nanny."

"Oh, well maybe it was some sort of mistake. I'm sorry."

"But I would hate to waste your time and I just baked some cookies, would you like to come in and have one?"

"No ma'am I'm fine."

"Please, it would make me feel better knowing you didn't come all this way just to have to leave."

"Sure, why not?"

I stepped into the home to find a nicely decorated inside with a high ceiling and grand staircase. The whole house was covered in dark word floors with white walls and a few paintings scattered everywhere.

"Lilly, who was at the door?"

A woman, who couldn't be more than thirty years old, appeared at the door with a large belly that her hand was placed carefully on top of. She was short, her hair brown and stringy and her eyes the most different shade of green I had ever seen.

"She came here for some sort of nanny interview, but she must be mistaken."

"Absolutely not, Madison Fields?"

"That's me."

"Madison here is going to take care of the twins when they're born."

"But why would you need someone else? I've been working here for years. I raised you."

"And I'm gratefully for it Lilly, but you've just gotten so old and I think it's time for you to retire. You've helped me and a lot of other children and I just think it's time now to put this whole career down."

Mrs. Mayfield turned to me, "let me give you a tour of the house."

I escaped the awkwardness of the situation by nodding my head towards the maid whose name I assumed to be Lilly, and followed Mrs. Mayfield quickly.

She showed me all the rooms in the house, including the library and the room that she had designated to be the twins.

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