The Challenge of Spoof: Brought to you by Ames

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Imagine, if you will, roleplaying just well and fine with your best friends. You converse and have fun, maybe throw in drama and comedy until you all think of spoofing that one thing that you, admittedly, dislike. They keep talking, and you ask for a bit of support, but the overall idea seems a little too much of a fanfic-like retelling, like what The Force Awakens is to that of A New Hope. It seems like a weird facination.

Excellent, and Hello to my newest post.

Good Afternoon, Dearest Moon.

Now that's my writing as Toffee, partly. I think that sounded like..Anti-Cosmo a little more. Anyway, the point is how I believe spoofs are a little conflicting for me.

It breaks up plotlines, and not everyone agrees to them. Although, Lizard in a Miniskirt is a valid exception. Personal-messages are how to compromise, timely.

Reality me is working on the follow-up to the KCAs, which were of course a let down in some aspects. Just wait, my lines.

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