Origins part 1

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Written 24/1/2014
Rewritten 1/7/2014

{The past of Lady Sif}

Sif needed answers. Her past was still a mystery to her, she wanted to know more about her parentage. She left in the dead of night, covering herself in a thin cloak as not to be detected. She took a horse from the stable and rode out to the small village on the outskirts of Asgard. It was not as wealthy as the main city, that much was sure from the rotting wood buildings she encountered upon her entrance. She dismounted and went in search of her family home, not hers exactly but it was in her family. She paused outside the door, behind this door lived her grandmother. The only living relative she had except her brother. She didn't have to knock on the door, it opened before her on it's own, an old woman stood before her, her eyes wide in fear.
"Sif?" She looked thoroughly confused. "Grandmother." She greeted warmly before she was ushered inside.
"Thou must not be seen hither child. Thou knowest what happened to thy mother." She knew partially, her mother was murdered for reasons Sif did not know, her grandmother never told her. She had just packed her up and sent to live with her father in the main city where she grew up with Thor.
"Thou know why I am hither...thou hast the answers I seek." The woman didn't look at her.
"Sif I can't not give them to thee. Tis for thy own sake that I will die with the knowledge."She looked pleadingly to her, not wanting Sif to pursue this path. Alas Sif would not give up that easily.
"I am a grown woman now, I can handle whatever thou hast to tell me. Thou can not keep the truth from me, I shalt find out one way or another."
After about an hour of reasoning, she got her answers.
"Alright but thou art to leave straight away. For thy safety." Sif nodded in compliance. "Thy father is not thy father, he is Heimdell's father but he is not thine. Thy mother married Heimdell's father when they were young but when she had an affair with a bandit, they divorced. She waspresumed dead for over a year. But one day she made contact, begging for help. She was captured by her lover's renegades and tortured for his whereabouts, they threatened to kill thee. A small infant. She reached out to the father thou hath come to know and he agreed to take thee in without her. The renegades raped and murdered her shortly after, left her in pieces across this house. Thy father swore to protect thee until he died, which he has done and he grew to love thee as Heimdall's sister but there is still a bounty on thy head my child, now thou knowest the truth thou must leave.." Sif went pale. She never expected anything so horrific, alas something felt off, why hadn't Heimdall seen this? She headed back to the main city in near tears, putting on a brave face as she entered the palace and nodded as she passed the guards. Surely Heimdall knew? Was there something else hiding the truth from him too? Magic perhaps? There was only one place she would find the answers she sought, if her suspicions were correct; Asgard's library...

{Followed by Origins part 2}

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