Uncertain Destiny

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Written 12/8/2014

Uncertain Destiny {Based on TDW end of credit scene, GOTG prequel comic and with a comic twist which leads to "Two Stones" in this collection}

Asgard sat quiet upon the top of the world tree. The All-Mother passed. The architecture in blackened ruin from the attack of the dark elves.

The Thunder God, fresh into his grieving cycle, stood upon a balcony looking out over the higher city. The fires had begun to dwindle now and reconstruction had already begun, the realm eternal would stand tall and gleaming once more within the coming weeks. Alas there was task that was left to undertake, one that Thor did not wish to do himself, for his presence must be here for now.

"Ye called for me my Lord..." The crimson warrior sauntered upon behind him, halting just shy of his form. He turned slowly to face her, his face grim and still covered in battle wounds.

"The Aether is captured? Contained?" He spoke slowly, in a low husky tone.

"Aye my Lord, tis ready to be secured at thy command."

Thor nodded and took a deep breath.

"Ye shalt take to a man whom I know it wilt be safe with. He is known as the Collector."

Sif bowed her head in acceptance of this task.

"Thor....before I set off upon this course...promise ye shalt get those seen to.." She brushed her hand over his wound and he flinched, covering her own with his.

"I promise..."


Sif gathered her sword and covered her form in her scarlet cloak. She chose Volstagg to escort her as Thor had Fandral and Hogun occupied in other matters.

The warrior pair travelled to a free-port station on the edge of the Galactic Rim, a place they had been told held the residence of the man they searched for.

Sif curled her hands into a ball and wrapped her knuckles against the large metal doors. It echoed wildly throughout the complex.

Slowly the ornate doors began to open and stood before her was a small woman, her skin the shade of fuchsia.

"I welcome you to the abode of The Collector." She bowed before gesturing for them to step inside.

For a while it was quiet as she led them past tank after tank of weird and exotic artefacts, some living.

"This way..." She spoke in a chirpy voice but her eyes, they told another story. One of sorrow, pain and diminishing hope. "He's been expecting you."

Of course Thor had sent word before their departure.

"Tis quite a collection he has here." Volstagg finally broke his own silence as they passed more dank and dreary tanks.

"He likes to collect. It is what he does. It is what he is. If you are fortunate he may give you a tour."

"Not necessary, tis unseemly to keep living things in cages." Sif frowned at the back the young maiden's head as they walked, her gaze landing on distressed living being after another. Her form becoming increasingly uncomfortable.


It was not long before they reached a large room, circular, with a grand golden oak tree sat in the middle.

The woman stopped and gestured to the shadow that approached.

"Here he is now. Asgardians, I present to you my master...." She bowed like a servant. "...Taneleer Tivan." She remained bend over in her submissive position as he waved his hand and laughed.

"Thank you Carina." He eyes fell upon Sif and Volstagg, with an almost smirk. "Asgardians. I am honoured."

Sif was already close to being fed up with her surroundings and so got to the point.

"Ye know why we art hither. The Aether." Her eyes bore into his and she raised her brow.

"Of course my dear, but if I may ask...why are not keeping it in your own vaults?"

"The tesseract is already on Asgard. Tis not wise unto have two infinity stones so close together." She finished.

Taneleer turned from the Asgardian pair and admired one if his creatures in it's tank.

"I assure you, it will be utterly safe here in my collection."

"See that it is..." Sif warned harshly before she turned on her heel and strode from the room, Volstagg hot on her heels after smiling at the young fuchsia maiden.


"Did ye see her eyes Sif?" Volstagg sighed.

"Aye...they art not the ones of a happy worker. I feel he treats her more a slave than woman." She snarled, seeing women in such poor conditions angered the crimson slayer. For women deserved the same respect as men.

"I shalt find a way of getting her out of hither. She deserves a better life." Sif looked around at the artefacts they had passed before, they were more dark and depressing than they were when they first entered. Goosebumps formed upon her pale skin, her eagerness to exit this place growing massively.

"Dost thou truly believe the Aether is safe hither fair Lady Sif?" His curiosity poignant.

"Time shalt tell, but one thing is certain...if I find myself back hither upon the Aether's disappearance...I shalt spill blood..." She growled as their forms exited the building to an awaiting Bifrost. They stepped through and began their short journey home.

"The Aether is defiantly secure with Tivan?" Thor questioned as they found him within the throne room.

"Aye my lord. We shalt have nay further trouble with it." Volstagg spoke and gave Thor a reassuring smile.

"Indeed..." Sif agreed but something about the place, Tivan and Carina herself gave Sif cause for doubt, possibly even concern. Time would indeed tell if her fears came to pass but until then she must have faith and continue to serve.


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