Asgard shalt fall (Part 1)

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Written 14/1/2014

Rewritten 6/7/2014

Asgard shalt fall...(hints of Sif/Loki/Fandral) (Post dark world)

Music filled the ornate halls of Asgrd, celebrations spread all over the courts. The king had been returned and all was well. Thor had ordered a ball in his father's name. To get out of dressing up in a fancy gown Sif chose to be part of security, she patrolled the room her sword at the ready.

"My dearest Sif, stand down, just for a while." Thor stopped her in her tracks, his husky voice easily heard over the noise of the ball.

"I can not, not when Loki is roaming free around the place." She scorned, her face turning grim.

"He is not free exactly Sif, thou know that." Since Odin's return, Loki had a choice of being imprisoned again or doing an Asgardian form of community service, which included serving others. He took it too easily, it put Sif on edge.

"Is this wise Thor? Thy father still suffers the pain of losing thy mother and I won't even get started on his suffering caused by Loki." She was greeted by silence, Sif began to feel she had spoken out of turn. "Thou art right, alas I believe this wilt show him the support he has. It wilt do him well." She looked around and shrugged. "Thor, he isn't even hither." Thor's face dropped as if he had already known this fact.

"He wilt come." He said confidently, defiantly.

The evening drew on and still Sif stayed vigilant. Her eyes falling on Loki every now and then, anger grew with each glance, he simply smirked at her whenever he caught her looking.

Sif felt a slight rumble in the ground below the chandeliers began to tremble. She whistled to the guards nearest her. "Get them out of hither!" She ordered as the chandeliers began to fall, smashing into tiny fragments on the floor, she held her shield in front her as the shards flew off it. The ground stopped shaking and everyone was able to be able to stand without falling.

"What did I tell thee?" She seethed at Thor as he approached her. "If this twas Loki..." She hissed.

"Should my ears be burning?" A smooth tone came from behind her. Both Thor and Sif turned to face him, Sif's face filled with annoyance, her lip twitches. "Brother if this twas thee, now is not the time for thy games."

Loki rolled his eyes. "Really? If this twas me, it would be bigger, better and not so pathetic." He said coolly.

"I don't believe him, how do we know this isn't another ploy unto get the throne?" She withdrew her sword and thrust it at him.

"Such faith in me Sif, dost thou not think I have learnt my lesson? After all, father is back on the throne." He pushed the tip of the sword from his throat.

"He has a point Sif. He is being closely watched on father's orders." Thor did not notice the stare between the two.

"Thor dost thou not remember how long it took thee to find thy father after he sent him away?" She thrust her sword at his chest, anger bubbling over.

"There twas once a time thou trusted me Sif, wholeheartedly." He smirked. She grabbed the scruff of his clothing and pulled him to her, hissing down his ear. "Those days art gone." She let him go, Thor looked puzzled between the pair. Missing the way their breathing melded into one pattern.

Another rumbling shook the room, this one was harder and louder. Loki grabbed Thor and Sif as the chandelier above them crashed down onto them, but it passed right through the floor. Sif pulled away from him in shock.

"Thou saved us."

Loki laughed. "I am capable of it thou know."

Thor placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I always knew brother. Now Sif find the warriors three and meet us in the courtyard. Brother come with me."

Sif split from them, she knew where her friends would be. Right on queue they appeared from the armoury. "Good, I knew thou would-" Her words were cut off by a blast to the wall, her feet left the floor and she smashed against the opposite wall, falling straight through it. Her ears rang and her eyes were fuzzy. She could hear distant calls of her name.

"Sif!" It took a while for her to realise it was Fandral. She shook herself into focus and tried to move but her leg was trapped beneath rubble. "My leg. Tis stuck." She called as Fandral climbed across debris and closer to her.

"Apart from that art thou alright?" He began shifting the rubble.

"I am talking am I not?" She groaned as he freed her leg, the castle began to shake again from another hit, rubble began to come lose around them.

"Fandral!" He ducked down onto her protectively and she held her shield above them both, protecting their faces from the falling stone. Once the stone had stopped falling, she lowering her shield, he helped her to her feet. She threw her arms around him in gratitude and relief.

"I thank thee." She whispered before pulling away and climbing towards the hole in the wall. "Nay, I mote thank thee...and thy shield." He laughed as he followed and supported her until she could walk well on her own.

The pair met Hogun and Volstagg in the hall, they were covered in dust just as they were. She breathed a breath of relief at their presence. "Come on, Thor is waiting for us in the courtyard." The four of them ran with haste outside. They stopped and froze in place, the damage was worse than they could have ever imagined. Most of Asgard was in flames and in ruins, floating in the sky were dozens of large ships.

"Thor..." Sif ran to him, Loki was by his side, both looking grim.

"I fear we art unto perish my friends...alas if that is so we meet our demise together, fighting. Agreed?" He looked to all of them, all nodded in agreement with pale faces. Thor and Loki stood in front, Sif and the warriors three flanked them. There was a high pitched whistle from the biggest ship and then whatever was inside spoke.

"Asgard shalt fall." The voice was loud enough to cover the whole realm, it echoed eerily as silence filled the realm. The six of them prepared for battle. Together.

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