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Written 11/7/2014
{yet to be proof read}

Asgard did not revolve around the sun, it had it's own light source, which is turn heralded it's own heat.
The realm was scorching for the first time in a Millenia, it's usual seemingly perfect temperature disrupted.
The occurrence affected all; young, old, women, men. The children of Asgard complained and the women struggled to keep them under control. The men only just managed to withstand the heat that bore down upon them as they worked or trained. Many had perished from the heat, the crops and water became rationed from the struggle.
It was thanks to the sorcerers of the realm that the palace and courts were at least kept as cool as they could.
The crimson warrior sat upon a ledge, fanning her face and wiping her brow from the sweat.
"Tis unbearable..." She groaned to her brother in arms, the dashing Fandral as he sat beside her. A smirk now forming upon his face.
"Aye, alas we could just wear nought..." He laughed at his own humour whilst Sif just stared at him disgusted.
"Fandral sometimes I wonder if thou were just born vile or whether thou truly hast grown to become it."
His smirk faded and he stood up in preparation to walk to away.
"And sometimes Sif I wonder if thou were born with a pole up thy backside or whether Thor put it there!"
They shared a stern gaze, the other's features twitching in annoyance before finally Fandral turned away and strode down the halls, his emerald cloak billowing behind him. No doubt a smirk now present from his remark.


The light turned into darkness and the denizens of the realm tried to settle for the night brought a slight cool breeze that day did not provide.
The scarlet maiden stripped herself of our usual attire and dipped into the cold waters of her private bath, her skin ridding itself of the blasted heat it had been suffering. She relaxed and closed her eyes.
*cough cough*
Her eyes shot open as someone cleared their throat, making their presence known. She turned her head and gasped, grabbing the near towel and covering herself within the water.
"Bill!" She snapped, as her towel became wet, clinging to her form as she climbed out.
"Calm yourself fair Sif. It is nothing I haven't seen before.." His face remained blank, no smirk, no laughter, just seriousness.
She shrugged it off and decided it was best to get to the point, after all she had been rudely interrupted.
"What art thou doing in Asgard? More unto the point, why art thou within my chambers?!" She frowned harshly, keeping a tight grip upon her towel.
"Thou see, Asgard is in danger. It may not seem apparent now but the is not natural as you may have guessed..."
She raised a brow. "Carry on...."
"Upon my travels I heard word of a plot so deadly, it would bring Asgard and it's people to it's knees. As I am an ally to yourself and Thor I took it upon myself to look into on my way here. I know who means to bring Asgard down." Again he face remained emotionless, business like.
"And whom may that be?" She folded her arms, her eyes now narrowing, pondering the credibility of such a tale.
Her jaw dropped.


The Norn Queen? Surely not? She had not been seen since her last attempt on Odin's life, she was presumed slain by the All-Mother's hand. Alas as Bill transported the pair to where he knew she resided, Sif herself knew his take was true.
"Art thou sure this is whence she hides?" Sif eyed the baron landscape. Nothing caught her eye. All around them was dust and rocks.
"Aye, I am sure." He spoke in a low grim tone as he led her forth, only stopping once a pit began to form within the sand. It reminded her of a quest herself, Thor and Balder took when they were younger, where Loki came face to face with the evil witch. Perhaps this was how she got this idea...she had been watching their every move back then.
The pit swallowed them whole, their forms landing somewhere beneath it's opening, landing on hard stone.
"Some entrance.." Sif groaned as Bill helped her to her feet. He placed a finger to her lips to keep her quiet. She raised a brow to show she was not pleased with his orders. Of course being Bill, he ignored her.
The cave around them was dark, lit only by one flickering flame in the centre of it, but as they drew closer they saw it was not a flame as such, but a fiery mix of liquid sat within a deep well.
" charming...." Came her voice, the cold and chilling tone of Karnilla. "Pray tell, what is the meaning of such a delightful visit?" A cunning smile, that mirrored one loki normally donned, appeared upon her face.
"Dost not play games Karnilla! What is thy purpose in bringing Asgard down?" Sif stepped forwards her blade now drawn and thrust out towards the woman before her.
"Oh put that prop down little girl...." She rolled her and flicked her wrist sending Sif flying into the stone wall.
"Sif!" Bill called after her.
"I'm fine..." She scorned as she stood back up, her blade nowhere to be seen.
"Looking for this?" Karnilla held her weapon, taunting the goddess with it. "Looks like thou art indeed useless...." She cackled, bearing her teeth as she did so. "Well this has been a pleasure alas tis time for thee to leave...."
Bill was not one to be given such orders, nor was he one to allow such actions to continue. He knew better than to walk away, as did Sif.
He held Stormbreaker high, flickers forming as it's charge ran down it. Sif stood back against the wall as Bill struck the witch. She flew like a rag doll to the other end of the cave. Sif ran after her, this was her chance to interrogate. Now she knew why Bill chose her.

She bent down and took the witch by the throat, pulling her face to hers. "Tell me whore, why dost thou wish harm upon my realm?!" She seethed, her breath hot against Karnilla's skin.
Bill stood guard behind her.
Karnilla was weak but still managed a bemused laugh.
"Revenge dear Sif."
"Why?!" She squeezed her throat. "We have done nought unto thee! Thou were believed dead!"
"Aye, I believed it myself! The All-Mother is not a force to be reckoned with. But here I am." She shrugged lightly.
"How?" Sif's patience was wearing thin.
"I was indeed on the edge of death. I came here to heal. It has taken me this long to regain my strength, my power! That wrench stripped me of almost all of it!" She spat. Sif back-handed her hard. Her insult to Frigga stung hard, she was like a mother to her.
"Thou speak foully of our Queen again and I shalt not hesitate to kill thee as I am now...."
Karnilla laughed. "Still so naive Sif. Believing thou can defeat me. Nay Asgard shalt fall. All shalt perish and in my victory I shalt build a new Asgard. My Asgard!"
The ground shook as Karnilla began to restore to full health. It was clear she had learnt much in her exile here.
"Sif, move!" Bill pulled her away, near on throwing her out of his way.


Battle raged. The Norn Queen and the Korbinite sparred, causing minimal injury to the other, their power both strong. The cave around them cracked and debris fell.
"Bill! We shalt perish beneath these rocks!" Sif called, worry on her features. She had never felt useless before but there was nothing she could do. They were locked in a fierce battle, she was already getting the backlash of rocks and stray bolts of power. Her own form was covered in lacerations.
"Bill!" She called again over Karnilla's cackle.
"!" He snapped back in between swings of his own hammer. She sighed. It was time to take matters into her own hands. Her blade rested on the other side of the cave, she retrieved it and readied her stance. She eyed the Queen and held her blade above her head. With all her strength she threw the blade like a javelin towards the woman. It struck, penetrating her shoulder.
"Finish it Bill and let us leave!" She ordered harshly. Bill narrowed is eyes at her, annoyed by her interference.
Bill raised Stormbreaker once more, he struck it down on the ground hard in anger. The floor shook and Karnilla fell victim to the rocks that tumbled, they crumpled down on top of her.
With a smile he turned back to Sif but she was gone.


The vibrations of his weapons had knocked Sif off her feet but instead of falling on the ground she tumbled into the well that Karnilla had created to control the heat within Asgard.
She fell, and kept falling, heading towards the fiery pit below. Her fingers outstretched, running against the stone as she plummeted, her skin peeling off and her tips becoming bloody as she desperately searched for something to hold onto. Finally, a lose rock caught her hand and she grasped it, halting her fall. She breathed heavy, and looked down, she was inches from the orange liquid. In it's reflection she could see Asgard, suffering, roasting. She could feel the heat ten times more potent down here. She doubted she would last much longer.
"Bill!" She cried for his help.
"Sif!" His face appeared over the wall of the well. His eyes opened wide.
"She lives! She must for this is still active! Get her unto halt it else I shalt perish down hither!"
She could hear the cold laugh again, followed by a series of crashing and falling rocks.
Bill's voice boomed throughout. "Halt it or die witch! I shall spare thee if Sif is saved!"
It felt like an eternity but the liquid cools and turned to rock. Sif felt it with her foot and confirmed it was solid before she stood on it. Slowly she began to rise out of her well.
Bill was holdin Karnilla's neck, her arms outstretched to make Sif rise.
"Thank you..." Bill said shortly before snapping her neck like a twig and discarding her form down the well where Sif has just been.
"I was never good with promises...." He spoke grimly as he tossed stone after stone down after her limp form, burying her deep.
No words came from Sif as she watched.


Back on Asgard, the heat has subsided, the cool air of the realm back to what it once was.
"I must thank thee Bill...." Sif started.
"Nay, do not thank me. I could not see Asgard or thyself suffer...."
The pair shared a look, no more words needed. With a grasp of her hand he said his silent goodbyes before yet again departing on whatever journey he was to take next.
Whilst she stayed behind.
Left to carry out her duties upon Asgard.
There was much to fix. Karnilla had done a number on them.
Many of the dead needed to be dealt with, the crops needed reviving, the water needed replacing.
Alas in no time at all she knew it would be back to it's former glory.

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