Ragnarok; Sif's POV

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Written 14/9/2014


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀|Ragnarök; Sif's POV|⠀

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀|Based off comic|


'Twas the end of all they knew. The fall of the Gods. Their time coming to a fiery end.

The battle was in dull swing. The echoes of metal rung out loud across the snowy plain they fought upon.

Sif was upon her knees, an arm lost at the beginning of this downfall, within the crook of her remaining limb rest a dear friend; her form breathless and without a soul. Brunnhilde. The Valkyrie in which Sif had a strong bond, the blonde whom was almost a sister to her. Her mind became distracted as she wept for her fallen comrade. She has already lost Fandral and Hogun and now she felt it all again.

"Sif!! Sif behind you!!" Thor's voice broke her agony.

Her head shot up and she looked briefly behind her to see Durok approaching with speed, she narrowed her blue eyes and snarled as she equipped herself with Brunnhilde's blade Dragonfang.

"Ye hast chosen the wrong warrior..." She hissed as she thrust the blade behind her and into the chest of her attacker, piercing right through his burly form until the blade appeared out of his back. With a mighty heave she threw him into the air where Thor then attached Fenris upon the same blade and they both soared far across the snow, landing with an almighty thump.

Thor took it upon himself to finish Durok as Sif remained knelt upon the snow, her form became weaker as the battle raged.

"Thor..." Her eyes shot open as she watched his bloody and lacerated form stand after his victory. She stood, prepared step forth and help when a loud growl echoed within her ears. Fenris. Broken from the chains that bound him and free of the blade that penetrated him. His eyes fixed upon the Thunder God.

"Thor!" She cried Fenris prepared for his attack only to be shrouded in a bright light and thrown harshly upon the ground.

Both Thor and Sif blinked the light away as it began to fade. A figure stood with vengeance upon the wolf's chest. Beta Ray Bill. A sigh of relief filled the crimson maiden as she eyed the male whom held her heart. She had prayed he would turn up sooner or later.

"Thor! My oath brother, I have returned in thy time of need!" He decreed before Fenris stirred, throwing Bill from him.

Sif took a step forwards but Thor clenched her shoulder and pulled her back.

"Tis his fight..." He spoke grimly.

"Alas Thor..." She began to protest but the son of Odin shook his head once, signalling for her silence. She closed her mouth and turned her vision to the Korbinite in part worry and part awe. Within minutes he had reduced Loki's son to nothing more than bones, Stormbreaker smouldering within his palm.

The demons fled at the sight.


Night fell upon the ruins. Sif sat watching the burning pyre of Brunnhilde with sorrow in her eyes. Her fingers traced the golden edges of Dragonfang. The Valkyrie had blessed Sif with the chiefdom of the Valkyries when she first rescued the shieldmaiden in Alfheim. Alas now Sif felt the task at hand and in her current state it felt more like a burden.



She didn't need to turn around, she recognised his voice anywhere, not to mention his footsteps were heavier than those of Asgard.

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