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Written 23/7/2014


There does so come a time in every denizen's life whence we should sit back and reflect upon what has come unto pass. Is there such a perfect time unto take on this task? Perhaps not, but I do so believe one of the best moments is upon thy death bed. Is it not the best time unto look back at what ye hast achieved?


My time upon this realm is ending and so I shalt journey back and relive my finer moments, and perhaps some lower times.

I twas but a young maiden when I first met the thunder god, my how handsome he twas, our friendship formed so vastly it twas believed we would verily become betrothed.

Alas in those times as a youngster why would we think in such terms, twas not our concern, we just played within the gardens, and whiled away the hours in various games.

He the prince of Asgard, myself the fair haired maiden, two children of Yggdrasil brought together in companionship not knowing the path that lay ahead, oblivious, free.

Those memories have been tainted, for as ye can see I nay longer don the golden tresses per the hands of Loki, the one whom always sought unto darken all in his jealousy. He used my own vanity against me.

How was I unto know when my locks were cut and drastically changed that my life twas not over, that Thor's affections would so remain? I didn't, and so I let vanity get the better of my young naive self. Twas a low moment in my life. I shalt not deny my desire for revenge twas strong alas I know better now. I am ashamed of my pitiful tears for in hindsight Loki made me stronger and fiercer. Something he nay doubt came unto regret.

Unto lighter climes, my adolescent years. Oh what a joyous and fond time of mine.

I twas anew. A warrior not a damsel. Training unto be welcomed into the warriors of Asgard. Unto serve with the best of them.

Looking back now I miss those years. The quests I took with Lord Thor and Lord Balder, although he twas not a lord back then. The battles we won, the bond we had, twas like nought the denizens had seen before. Even Loki could not break us, not for his lack of trying. It twas verily the best of my many years upon this realm.

How I miss Balder as think of him now, his kind soul, his gentle being. He twas Thor's balm, the voice of reason when myself and Thor became hot headed, it devastated us all when he passed. I often sat awake at night wishing we could trade places for I believe Asgard was more in need of him than myself.

I have had my fair share of darker times, believe me I have.

For example my incessant need for power, unto ensure Asgard would not be attacked again, it led me far from the path I had planned. Made me a darker maiden, one whom lost her passage into Asgard by the hands of her own brother. Of course I know now he did it unto protect myself and Asgard from my bloody thirsty ways, alas at the time I just remember wishing to break him into many pieces for his betrayal. How i sigh unto myself...would I do the same again? I doubt not for I found what true strength twas whilst on that darkened quest and we art not in need of the old beserker ways.

Tis one of many regrets I do so have now that I lay hither, breathing what wilt be my last breaths.

Thou dost not live unto 5000 years old and not build a library of regrets.

Alas the biggest being the regret of not being a full mother unto the bebe I carried, bebe I birthed. The bebe I sent away. Nay matter how many passionate nights the thunder god and I spent enthralled within our satin sheets, nought filled that void of her absence. I have many tholed many severe injuries in my service unto Asgard but nought matched the pain of childbirth and the added pain of losing her. Unto know she twas growing up upon Midgard, not knowing of her heritage, it breaks the heart. She twas our child, our creation yet our loss for her own safety. I held her for all of a week before her fate twas decided. Tis a mother's worst nightmare, unto lose a child and although she did not perish, she may as well hath done for I did not see her until she twas beautiful grown maiden, spitting image of my beloved Thor himself, with my ferocious nature stitched within. Alas she chose her alliances on Midgard over us, understandable, alas another blow.

I hear ye ask, did Thor and I ever marry? The answer is nay. We were betrothed for many thousands of years alas the devine bells of Asgard never rung to welcome us into marital bliss. There twas never need.

Aye our love twas strong but our will unto Asgard twas stronger. The battles that raged took our attention over such trivial matters.

Do I wish we had? Nay. For it twas never my dream unto become a man's wife, his treasure, as so many other maiden's do. Nay as long as our forms connected during the night and our lips became one, I twas satisfied with what we had.

My breath is becoming weaker, so shalt not bore thee much further.

For ye know I am a warrior, the most formidable in all of Asgard, well not so much now, alas I twas.

My hand still yearns for my sword even now.

My heart still beats for my beloved homeland and it shalt continue unto do so after I am with the departed.

The battles of Asgard art what gave me purpose. Oh the rush I felt as my sword penetrated a poor soul's flesh, smote them down whence they stood. The righteousness that filled me as they received their comeuppance, their due punishment for their caddish crimes. Nought can replace the honour I felt serving under my Kings as their loyal servant.

And so I say unto thee this dreary night, live thy life, dost not waste it, dost not tarry in living thy dreams. Build memories and when tis thy time unto reflect before meeting death's cold grasp I pray thou hast lived well.

I pray thy regrets art outweighed by the good thou hast done.

It has been an honour unto protect thee my warriors, friends and denizens alike, and so 4759 years after my first breath of life, I say my goodbyes. Dost not shed a tear for me, thy tears should not wasted upon myself alas I shalt be humbled if ye believe I am worth such emotions.

Let my pyre burn for days, let it be a reminder unto all that I, Lady Sif, crimson slayer of Asgard, died in honour and that ye can follow in my footsteps into the glowing embrace of Valhalla, unto live on in the most noble of afterlives, alas only when tis thy time and not before. I shalt nay doubt see there when tis time unto do so.

Live with conviction my friends and march forth upon thy journey.

Mine is now over, alas may my legend live on in thy hearts and the words of men, for I shalt always be with thee upon the battlefield....always there to-


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