4 | Chance Encounter

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"Careful with your step, Ms. Kwon." The kind driver had opened the door of the limo for me and helped me out with my dress courteously. I smiled and nodded at him, saying a quick thanks to him.

As I stepped onto the Magenta carpet, I was welcomed by the blinding flashlights of the media reporters. And there, I noticed a familiar stance of someone. His strong gaze was appraising me from top to the bottom with a flicker of disbelief. I let out a graceful smile as I slowly approached him.

"Hi, my Prince Charming." I smiled teasingly at him. But he didn't utter a word as he was still staring at me with widened eyes. "Ray–"

The next thing I knew, he pulled me in and crashed his lips on mine. With such action, it roared the media reporters as consecutive sound from the camera could be heard around my surroundings. I was momentarily surprised, but I let the kiss linger until Ray pulled back and smiled at me, his enchanting grey eyes locked with mine.

"God... You're so beautiful, Mia. I just feel the need to kiss you right now," Ray breathed out when he saw I was taken aback by his sudden action. I looked at him, still dazzled by the sudden kiss, but ever so slowly, I let out a smile.

"Ray, you're so dead. I don't think I can live peacefully after this." I slightly slapped his chest as I thought about what was going to happen tomorrow. The bold headlines about me and Ray on the papers, the crazy fans and paparazzi, would surely give me a full portion of headache.

"Don't worry, you will always have me by your side, sweetheart." Ray smirked at me as he casually wrapped his arms around my waist. "Let's go."

We entered the artists' area and were ushered to our designated seats which were on the fourth row. As we waited for the music awards to start, Ray and I happily enjoyed each other's company. Occasionally, we would greet any artists that we recognized or any of them that passed by.

Ray knew some of them personally because of his influential background. His family was part of the affluent societies in the Upper East, and because of his jaunty personality, it was easy for him to get along with others. Sometimes, I envied that part of him. He always had that carefree and breezy aura emanated around him.

"Ray, how did we get the invitation? I mean, you work in fashion industry, it's not related to any music awards, right?" I asked him as I had wondered about that ever since I prepped myself for the night.

"Uncle William is one of the sponsors for Billboard," Ray told me as his eyes wandered around as if he was searching for someone. When he had found his target, he slowly looked at me with a meaningful gaze and smirked, "And here comes your surprise."

As soon as Ray said that, I heard the audience in the T-mobile Arena cheered enthusiastically for the arrival of some particular artist. I looked at the entrance and saw seven figures breezed into the arena with their handsome smiles and stunning looks. They waved and smiled ethereally to the excited audience as they looked like a million dollars in black and white suits. Their visual flamboyance literally lighted up the whole arena as the audience continued applauding for them.

"Ray, isn't that..." I didn't know how long I had been staring at the boys, but all I knew was that, I felt the same tingling sensation in my stomach, just like when the first time I saw them on TV.

It wasn't because they looked breathtaking in every way, I mean, I could say Ray was as gorgeous as the boys. But there was just something behind this strong feeling in my heart—a clandestine reason. I bit my lip when I couldn't figure what the reason was. It was kind of frustrating for me.

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