34 | The Missing Pieces

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I stepped out from the morning shower and instantly approached the desk. A few strands of my hair slipped out from the constraint of the towel as I looked down at my phone. Anticipation bloomed in my heart, hoping I would see something that I wanted to see.

Biting my lip out of nervousness, I clenched and unclenched my fingers before pressing the home button. The screen lit up, and...

There was no morning text from Taehyung.

No sweet endearments.

No winky emoji.


My heart free fall into my stomach with a painful force. The boys did not even reply to my messages. It was torturing. Were they really that mad at me for siding Kai when he did not deserve even an iota of their anger?

Then, here came the only text that I'd received, which only made my heart further sunk to the deepest pit of my stomach.

7:38 am

Jasper oppa wrote:

I'm sorry, lil sis. I've got a few clients to meet today. I promise I will give you a call once I'm done with the meetings.

I huffed out a sigh and a frown had successfully taken over my feature. For some reason, I just felt sad, being abandoned by everyone all at once like this.

"What's with the long face? Love problem?" Micha was quick to notice the gloomy state of mine.

More like, memory problems. I wanted to say that because the errors in my brain were the ones who brought me upon this ordeal, but then I could just look at Micha and let out a melancholy sigh.

"I think Taehyung's mad at me..."

Micha knitted her brows together, round shining eyes questioning. "What'd you do?"

I considered her for a minute because I didn't even know where to begin. Micha didn't know anything about my amnesia or whatever happened four years ago. She still called me Mia. And even if I told her, I didn't think she would believe in everything I said. Because apparently, my whole life story was a joke. I bet people would laugh and find it ridiculous.

"It's a long story, Micha..." I let out a long exhale, and Micha only frowned at this.

"Okay, but knowing Taehyung, he just doesn't get mad at nothing, so there must be something," she concluded while patting some skincare product onto her dewy skin. "Either way, don't worry, unnie. I'm sure he will come back around, it's you we are talking about."

I perked up a brow, noting her emphasis. "What about me?"

"Well, don't you notice how Taehyung always looked at you?" She glanced at me, and when she saw the blankness on my face, she sighed dramatically. "I guess people who are blindly in love usually don't get to see those things."

"What things exactly?"

"Whenever Taehyung looks at you, he really looks into you, no one else. His eyes sparkle whenever he's around you. That, unnie, is what people called love." Micha wiggled her fingers in the air as though telling a fairy-tale.

I found myself smiling at her words, my cheeks warmed with heat, and I could feel the pit of my stomach softened a little. I guess I can wait a little while until Taehyung's cooled down.

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