11 | Hoseok's Endeavor

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K i m  J i n h e e

I chewed on the end of my pen, staring down at my journal in astonishment. I flipped through the pages that I had just written down. Six pages. That much for the whole day I had spent with Park Jimin two days ago.

Before Jimin was Jeon Jungkook with four pages, while Min Yoongi with five pages because of the initial shock and the sense of betrayal, since he fooled me with his girly disguise.

I lay on my bed and huffed out a deep sigh. When I closed my eyes, the image of the three boys' teary-faced flashed into my mind's feed, making an uncomfortable pain tugging in my chest.

I couldn't have a good sleep for these past few days—or more specifically, my insomnia started after meeting with the boys and ended up pushing them away.

Whenever I closed my eyes, Yoongi's deep voice, Jungkook's twinkling eyes, and Jimin's gentleness would somehow found its way entering into my senses.

I felt truly bothered, or was it because the idea of hurting them caused this nagging feeling in my gut intensified?

In all honesty, it hurts to listen to their sincerity. The way their voices shaking and breaking as they spoke—the intensity in their eyes... It was too much, too many unspoken emotions glimmered in their eyes.

Longing. Pain. Desperation. Love.

I couldn't seem to forget about them. And without realizing, it had become a routine of mine to think about them as soon as I woke up in the morning.

I traced my fingers against the pictures of the boys that I had attached on the pages of my journal. Yesterday I received a call from Peter, saying that I had another package. Inside the box, I found a yellow hooded puppy with black lopped ears plush cushion — that instantly reminded me of Jimin and his squishy cheeks.

He also sent me a picture of him and Kim Jinhee just like the other guys. But somehow my heart dropped at seeing the picture. Jimin was on the hospital bed, but his expression appeared cheerful as he slung his arm around Jinhee and made a peace sign. While Jinhee was seated beside him on the bed, looking as if she just cried a river and she was slightly pouting at Jimin.

'Because of you, I finally got the answers that I badly needed, and finally have learned to let him go too. Thank you for bringing the peace into my life, my lil bunny.'

Those words were written on the back of the pictures, and like always, making me curious about what exactly had happened to Jimin and Jinhee in the past. Why was he in the hospital bed? What answers that he meant? I couldn't help but have those inquiries wondering in my mind.

When I couldn't handle my burning curiosity anymore, I closed my journal and removed myself from the bed. Stepping down the stairs, I made my way towards the kitchen island, knowing my mother would be there, either making breakfast or washing dishes.

"Morning, mom," I greeted my mom with a child smile and kissed her cheeks good morning, her soft caramel hair gave out an amazing scent of fresh, savory honeydew that made me want to shower her with more kisses.

"Oh, my daughter is awake!" My mom beamed her beautiful smile, but upon seeing my arrival, she put down the spatula and somehow managed to lead me out of her kitchen, just like what I had expected.

"But Mia, what did I tell you about the restriction into my kitchen?" Mom frowned a little at me, her crystal cerulean eyes shone with concern, but I just giggled and smiled sheepishly at her.

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