22 | The Bitter Pill

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"Are we ready to go, princess?"

Standing in front of my hotel room, Taehyung made a gentleman bow and extended out a courteous hand towards me.

His lean body sported a pastel pink dress shirt and black pants, a cute grey beret wrapped around his head as his kingly crown.

I stared at him in disbelief, while his deep brown eyes finally flicked up to appraise my frame. Then ever so slowly, his expression mirrored mine.

Because I donned the same color of baby pink oversized blouse, a black legging, and a dark color baseball cap to cover up my messy hair.

"What do we do, Jinhee?" He let out an amused chuckle while leaning against the door frame casually, "I think even Fate is silently adoring us, seeing that it keeps making us wearing matching colors whenever we have a date together."

I could just roll my eyes when Taehyung decided to point out our matching shirts in a way that made my fingers curl involuntarily.

"I'm sure this is just a pure coincidence, Taehyung. You've watched too much cliché K-dramas." I shook my head, refused to romanticize the idea of fatalism itself.

"Nope. I'm afraid I can't agree with you, princess," he intervened, but his deep voice remained calm and soothing to my ear. "Have you forgotten that I'd won the bet on Fate?"

Upon hearing that declaration, I looked at him with widened eyes. Blood rushed to my cheeks and tainted it with bright scarlet as I remembered the promise that he had uttered out at the Empire State Observatory.

The golden night city, the calming night breeze—and the passion in his brown eyes that I'd never forget.

"But if we ever met again, I will take that as a hint to hold onto you, so tight, that you might not be able to resist me anymore. That's my promise to you, Jinhee."

"Whatever bet that you'd made on Fate, it didn't mean anything to me," I disputed stubbornly with crossed arms. Resist? I sure as hell can resist you, Kim Taehyung.

But truthfully said, I wouldn't mind if Fate decided to play and twist this cupid game on the both of us. In fact, I'd love to see how long this 'red string' kind of cliché would last. My interest was piqued. But at that moment, I just didn't want to give in to the big ego guy.

"I doubt that." He raised a dark brow, challenging me as he made a few steps forward.

"I will prove you wrong." I didn't mean to sound childish, but that was what I did as I sent a quick glare at his way and stomped inside my room.

But before I could even make a step inside, a soft gasp escaped my lips as my body was swiftly twirled around to meet his intense brown eyes.

"Where do you think you are going, baby girl?" he whispered seductively and tightened his strong arm around my waist, holding me captive. "If your way of proving me wrong is to get changed, then I'll make sure to watch you strip in front of me."

I almost dropped my jaw at hearing his words, but my brain quickly decided that it was not the time to look like an idiot when anyone could just pass by the warm-lighted hallway and caught the scandalous scene just right before them.

"Taehyung, someone will see us!" I shouted at him in a controlled voice while struggling to escape from his hold, but he didn't budge at all from any of my hits.

I could never understand how I'd always find myself trapped in this position whenever Taehyung was around. Whether it was fixing his clothes, or just simply talking to him, but at some point, a sense of deja vu would hit me, and here I was once again—safely locked inside of his embrace—like a lock and key complex.

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