I'm Going Back (Ch.1)

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I haven't seen District 10 in 6 years. The Capitol has kept me basically quarantined for 6 years. The only people who have seen me is the Capitol people when I come out for appearances on Snow's behalf.

I hate that old ass hole.

The people of Panem basically think I've disappeared. After I started (unintentionally) the uprising in 10 the Capitol thought the best way to avoid any rebellion was for me to disappear. Taking the heat off.
Sorry, maybe I should actually tell you about myself before going on since you are reading my story.

My name is Aria Moulson and I'm 21 years old. Born and raised in District 10. Yep. District 10, livestock. I never minded despite the smell of cow shit that intoxicated your nose. I'm kidding I love animals so I honestly never minded it! I'd tell you about my family but I haven't seen them in so long. I don't even know if their still alive. I guess I could tell you that I lived with my Grandma and my mom my whole life. And my older brother Aden. But I don't what happened to them. For all I know the Capitol killed them off after I got out of the games.

I'm 5'4 ( I know I'm short) and I have black hair that goes a little past my shoulders. I have grey eyes and an olive skin tone.

Now back to the good stuff.

So basically what have I been doing in the Capitol? The first year I came out I was a show dog for the them. Singing and dancing for whoever, whenever Snow wanted me to. He wanted to sell me into prostitution but figured there was more use for me else where. The first year was okay until I started getting a rise out if people with my 'controversial' songs and dance routines.

Basically the Capitol's stupid way of saying I was sparking a rebellious fuse within the Capitol. I was later labeled as The Little Rebel.
So now I'm escorted everywhere in handcuffs to show everyone that not even The Girl Alive or The Little Rebel can compete against the Capitol power.

Fuck them.

The whole First Mockingjay comes later trust me.

Today they announce what the Quarter Quell is going to be this year. God it's going to be something horrible after what that Katniss girl pulled last year. I'm still impressed with her regardless. Her actions was a basic up yours to the Capitol. I like her and Peeta even though it's obvious they don't like each other romantically. Us previous victors are pretty easy to spot everyone's bull shit.

"Aria, President Snow has requested that you watch the announcement of the Quarter Quell live on the projector." One of the peacekeepers came in to tell me.

"Okay. "

"Okay? Usually you put up much more of a fight." He said sounding a little shocked.

"Ya well I know that I don't have much of a choice," I hold up my wrists that are bound by hand cuffs, "so let's just cut the small talk and turn on the projector."

He turned on the projector and left the room. Did I mention that I live at Snow's house in the deserted section so that he can keep an eye on his 'favorite little rebel'? My life basically sucks. I got up to go my tinted window and look outside. My windows were made so that I could see out but no one could see in. I smiled at all the plants and life outside. How bad I wished I could go out. But I couldn't. Katniss is lucky she got rebellious last year. It was too late for Snow to do anything about it since she came out with Peeta. She might've ended up just like me. Anyways, my thoughts were interrupted by Snow's stupid voice.

"And now we honor our Third Quarter Quell. On the seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol. "

Oh no. This is going to be bad. Very, very bad.

"The male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors. "

Oh. My. God. Before I even know it I'm balling my eyes out. I can't believe this. I can't believe he'd do this. I began to scream and bang on the wall.

My stomach dropped as I realized that I didn't even have a chance at staying alive. Snow purposely wants me to get chosen and die in the arena as a message to everyone that even the strongest will succumb to the Capitol's power. He would make sure i'd get chosen. There was no way out.

I'm going back.

My screams were heard by everyone in the house. The peacekeepers rushed in and began pulling me out of my room.

"The President wishes to see you."

I bet he fucking does.

The peacekeepers threw me into his office and closed the door behind him.

That's when that son of a bitch turned around. His face smug and innocent as if he hadn't just ruined my life.

"Why the long face Aria? I thought you'd be happy to go back out and show Panem you're still alive and well!"

My face was stained with tears. I sniffled placing my handcuffed bound hands on his table.

"Why are you doing this to me. I said I was sorry about the uprisings! You've locked me up, beat me, and handcuffed me WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!?"

"I want you to die."

Wow he got right to the point.

"I want you to disappear once and for all. Despite everything I've put you through you've still managed to be the Capitol favorite. Panem still looks to you. I want you dead. You've threatened my power one too many times."

I shook my head and a small smile grew on my face and I looked up at him. If I'm going back I'm going to make it big. This time I will finish what I started so many years ago. If I'm going to die I'm going to die for something.

I nodded and looked him straight in the eyes, "Snow, if you thought I was a threat 6 years ago then you haven't seen anything yet."

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm just getting started. Now that I'm going back I'm going to make sure you pay for what you've done to me. You better sit tight because these games are going to be the best you've seen yet. "

He leaned back in his chair and looked at me interested, "So I assume you'll be putting on quite a show?"

"You have no idea. "

A/N: Hey guys! This is my new story still unedited but I hope you will like it!! Finnick and all of them will come in soon!

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