Welcome Back (Ch.15)

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"No fucking way."


"No fucking way you're not going."

"Finnick it's not up to you."

"It shouldn't be up to you either! You always do this you always sacrifice yourself and it's annoying."

"I'm sorry that me sacrificing myself for the ones I love bothers you." I roll my eyes.

"I gotta agree with him Aria you can't just go." Gale says walking over to us.

"Guys I have to! They are going to kill Peeta and Johanna if I don't go."

"And they're going to kill you if you go."

"No they won't they wouldn't dare to kill her. She has too big of a following. I've known Snow long enough and he wouldn't do anything that stupid." Heavensbee responded crossing his arms over his chest.

"She has to go!" Katniss spoke up looking at me sadly.

"Katniss how could you say that?" Gale yelled.

"She has to go! They have Peeta!" She turned to look at me, "I'm sorry Aria but I love him."

I nod, "I know. And I know that I have to go." I turn to look at Finnick and Gale, "I'm going to be fine guys. He won't hurt me." At least not now.

"Whatever. It doesn't seem like anything we say matter to you anyways." Finnick says angrily.

"Finnick if I'm going to leave please don't let me leave with you angry at me." I say going over to him and cupping his face in my hands.

"If the Capitol isn't the death of me then you are." He says shaking his head.

"Shut up." I say before pulling him in for a short kiss.

I tried to pull away but Finnick's grip tightened around me.

"Alright kids pull away before I vomit." Haymitch said before ripping us a part.

"Aria you need to leave first thing in the morning." Heavensbee says solemnly.

After that we all went to our rooms for a good nights rest. Finnick came with me to my room since it was our last night together.

"I didn't think there was a way to hate someone but love them at the same time." Finnick muttered in to my hair as he pulled me close.

"Ya well we're breaking all the rules recently so why not." I respond quietly.

"You're brave. You know that."

"So are you. "

"No but your brave enough to put your life on the line for people you don't even know. I wouldn't do that. I would've just kept everything the way it was if it meant that I'd spend more time with you."

"This is so much bigger than us Finnick. I want to lay in your arms forever and not have a care in the world. But I can't do that Finn. None of us can. I want to live in a world where I can have children and not dread them getting older and being killed right in front of my eyes. It's time to make the odds be in our favor. Once and for all." I respond closing me eyes.

Finnick gives me a kiss on the head, "I love you Girl Alive."

And with that we both drifted in to a dream less sleep.

The morning was slow. I got up, took a shower and got ready to go. I did it all without waking Finnick up. It was too early in the morning for anyone to be awake. I kissed him on the head and started walking out if the building and towards the hover craft. A delicate arm grabbed me as I walked forward.

I turned to look, "Grandma?"

"Sweetheart I know you have to go but I just wanted to get a good look at you before you left." She said looking me up and down before smiling, "you're even better than I remember. I'm so proud of you hunny. Your speech yesterday reminded me of how difficult everything has been for you." Tears formed in her eyes.

"Grandma don't worry about me. Just stay safe okay? Don't do anything I would do okay?" I say smiling a little.

"You know that Moulson's can't promise to keep out of trouble." I laugh and smile at her response. "Just go back and kick some ass for me sweetie. Lord knows I'm too old or else I would give President Snow a good beating."

"I will Grandma." I hug her tight and walk forward.

I step back in to the hover craft quietly. The vehicle is completely empty expect for the pilot. Before I know it I'm already finishing me sleep by dozing off. I wake up to the sound of heavy footsteps only to see two peacekeepers start towards me and grab my arms.

"Nice to see you guys again." I mutter allowing myself to be pulled away. I'm greeted by the chaotic streets of the Capitol. It's not long before I step in to the familiar large mansion that is Snow's house. I'm pulled in to his office and thrown on to me knees.

The chair behind his desk turns around to reveal a very smug and pleases President Snow. "Aria."


"Hope you had a pleasing flight. It'll be the last somewhat pleasing thing you will experience in your life."

"Glad to see you're still as horrible and horrendous as usual."

"I only treat trash the way it is deserved to be treated." Snow responds clamping his hands together and leaning on the desk.

"Let Peeta go and Johanna go."

"Excuse me?"

"That was the deal Snow. The trade between me and them."

"Hmm was that the deal? I can't quite remember. How about this, I keep all three of you locked up while your districts fall apart and you all live to see the end of your friends and families lives." he smiles, "Yes I like this deal much more."

"Fuck you Snow. You made a deal! LET THEM GO." I yell jumping to my feet and running towards him.

"Guards please take Ms. Moulson away to her cell." He says calmly as the peacekeeper restrains me from getting to him.

"Make my words Snow. You will die. I'll make sure of it. You won't win. They'll come Snow. And when they do you will die a humiliating death. You will lose. I promise you!" I yell as they pull me out of the door.

"Welcome back Aria Moulson. Prepare for the beginning of the end. I know I am." Snow says just as the door shuts.

A/N: Not edited!

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